Nafaria has been Spotted in Webkinz World!






Throughout September, a certain bad fairy queen will be flying into Webkinz World, looking for stars from Alyssa’s Star Challenge. Why does Nafaria want the stars? What will she do with them? No one really knows – but we have heard that she has prizes that she MIGHT give away! The decision is yours: if you see Nafaria, will you give her your stars?

211 Responses to Nafaria has been Spotted in Webkinz World!

  1. HamsterHuey says:

    She disappears in a puff of smoke for me too. I think she should always offer a prize instead of leaving. That or Webkinz needs to fix this glitch.

  2. starpelt says:

    Does someone want a hint?!

  3. Candyice8 says:

    Maybe I should’ve given her a chance like my pet said… -_-

  4. myseth says:

    This has been the most disappointing thing. I have played every single day and saw her 1x. Sad, sad

  5. Candyice8 says:

    Hey, can anyone please tell me why only this happened?
    I was playing jumbleberry fields and she popped up. I clicked on and nothing happened, except a purple cloud came up and dissapeared. -_- Can someone PLEASE tell me what caused that? I’d really like to know. :)

  6. Kira says:

    Hey, guys, I’ve seen her in Jumbleberry Fields. Good luck finding her! :)

  7. aprildog says:

    I keep clicking on her and she disappears in a pouf of purple smoke. Isn’t something supposed to happen after that?

  8. FatCatSam says:

    Hey Webkinz Fans,
    I have found Nafaria three times now and traded stars for prizes…first prize a cookie, second prize purple moon boots, and today I traded for a purple moon belt. Pretty cool huh? Just be sure you use the same pet each trade, kinda like trading gems with Doug. Have fun!

  9. kpjmf says:

    I saw her before

  10. starzz says:

    she wanted to give me a lame cookie for the webkinz wonder star

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