NEW Exclusive Items!


Every time you adopt a new pet in Webkinz World, you’ll be given a random Exclusive Item in your pet’s gift box! You can also save up your Wish Tokens and deposit them at the Wish Factory, or you can try your luck with winning an Exclusive Item by making the Wish of the Day!


And NOW AVAILABLE, there are 3 NEW Exclusive Items: an Eat Here Sign, a Red Heart Alarm Clock, and a Castle Wall Shelf!





What makes these Exclusive Items even MORE special is that each one on them is based on an actual item which can be found out in the real world—maybe even at your local retailer selling Ganz merchandise!





To make room for these new Exclusive Items, we’ve retired the Antique Lamp Post.





Want to see MORE? Check out our Exclusive Item Gallery here.


What do YOU think of these new Exclusive Items? Let us know in the comments below!


67 Responses to NEW Exclusive Items!

  1. bubbashuka says:

    That’s really cool you based them off of real items!! Though it’s way overpriced… AND WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US YOU WERE RETIRING THE LAMP POST?? That’s so sad! I hate when you do it without telling us!! Oh, well… It cannot be helped… :( Sorry!

    • bubbashuka says:

      Oh gosh! The “Eat her” sign still says: “Homeade!”

      • bubbashuka says:

        OHMIGOSH!! here, not her! That didn’t sound good- LOL! Sorry for all of the comments. :s

        • LuckyFinnigan says:

          OMIGOSH, you remember back when we had the Wacky Celebration going on and I asked them to change what I wrote in the first line because it did NOT sound very nice? That’s what happens when I get in a hurry and I don’t check to see if autocucumber (yes misspelled on purpose) auto fixed it for me. Sometimes Webkinz-made words get corrected to something quite different.

  2. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Hmm, interesting! It’s cool how you guys found some real world items and copied them almost exactly. Except.. you guys kinda made a mistake on the EAT HERE sign.. >.< "Homeade" isn't a word!

  3. FennecFox says:

    That castle wall shelf is super cute! Would look nice with the nursery room theme =)

  4. rach1794 says:

    It would be nice, given that the prices of exclusives has gone up and that there are many items in the wish factory over 100 tokens, if the Wheel of Wishes had spaces to win 5, 10, 20 and 50 tokens instead of just 1 or 2. Or even a Mystery Token that when deposited would be worth 25-100 tokens with spots on the wheel for 5 and 10 tokens. It would still take a while to save up tokens even if you use every opportunity to try and collect them but it would make it seem as if you might actually be able to get enough to make it an easier decision to use them!

  5. FoxesRule612 says:

    Oh, that makes these items cooler! =D Unfortunately, I probably won’t be buying any of them. They’re really expensive compared to the other exclusives.

  6. grinningreaper says:

    I’d rather have the lamppost. :(

      • Beckinz8 says:

        *sigh* I love the lamp post and wanted more, but I’ve been saving my tokens (which are so hard to come by) for some of the outrageously priced things at the wish factory, so I have resisted the urge to impulse buy the smaller things. I think I need to change my strategy. I really want the campkinz pool and after saving for a year, I’m almost one third of the way there. So in two more years, I will hopefully have enough wish tokens, if I don’t cave in and buy the smaller things that I want. But then I run the risk of them being retired. What a dilemma!! Does anyone have any better ideas? In case you were going to suggest it, I never win wish tokens on the logout carnival. *sigh*

        • Elessar says:

          Once in a blue moon, the floating Magic W gives out Wish Tokens so it’s worthwhile catching it. I have an extra CampKinz Pool, if you want it, Beckinz8. Just let me know your username and I’d be happy to send. You do not need to give me anything in return.

          • Beckinz8 says:

            Whoa! Elessar and Pamala that is BEYOND extremely generous!! But I cannot let you do that. That is a 300 wish token item in the wish factory! The value is staggering (like I said – three YEARS saving!!) I am a patient person. I can also hope to get it as a wish-of-the-day prize. You should use the pool to make a very good trade in the trading room. Thank you for blessing my day with your generous hearts! :D (P.S. I get superfan theme items from the floating magic W.) I would still love to add you to my friend list because active players who are consistently helpful with challenges are always great to have!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

        • pamala says:

          Please friend me Mercedes43, I have numerous pool I would love to share:)

  7. Alphaowlbear says:

    I am very disappointed that each of these new items costs 30 Wish Tokens. The clock is cute, but does it even work? None of my other clocks have worked since Webkinz X. I do not want to spend 30 tokens unless I hear from Ganz that the clock keeps correct Kinztime.

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      What? That clock is 30 tokens..? That’s crazy.. >.> Perhaps the sign is worth 30 tokens, but those others two items? No way!

      • Elessar says:

        While I think the clock is cute, in my opinion, NONE of these three new Adoption Exclusives are worth 30 Tokens …….. :-(

        • Beckinz8 says:

          I guess this might be a push to encourage more pet adoptions. WKN did just do a feature on exclusives, which probably got a lot of people (me included!) making their wish lists for all the things they have their heart set on. If the prices in the wish factory are over-inflated, then people may be more willing to adopt more pets and take their chances, hoping to receive the item(s) that they are hoping for. Apparently every silver lining has a dark cloud. :(

          • Elessar says:

            Beckinz8 – I have a couple of extra CampKinz Pools. If you let me know your username, I’d be happy to send you one. :-))

          • Beckinz8 says:

            Hi Elessar! Thank you for your generous offer, but it is too much. (See my comment above.) I would still love to add you to my friend list. I tried sending a friend request to your ganzworld username, but it didn’t work. I guess your WW username is different.

  8. magikal says:

    Not sure why the comments here have disappeared but I wanted to give an update on my exclusive purchase on the new heart clock. 30 tokens is expensive but I was able to trade it for a newer estore item so that sort of made it worth it I guess. Just make sure you look at the token cost on each item before you make your purchase.

  9. momtotaryn says:

    The Eat Here Sign spelled HOMEMADE incorrectly. It says HOMEADE. Was that intentional? I hope not.

  10. dixiecup says:

    You know? When I first was introduced to Webkinz I was so enamored by a lot of the items in Arte’s Curio shop. One in particular caught my eye and that was the Jukebox. One day in my travels I saw a Cookie Jar and if it didn’t look like that Jukebox! I bought it :) Just because of what it resembled. It was the centerpiece of a birthday party focused around Webkinz and all the things you can do. Being able to buy the real world version of an item makes it just a bit more special.

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