New Prizes On Webkinz Mobile!


We’re celebrating Winterfest on Webkinz Mobile! Spin the Wheel of Wow on Webkinz Mobile for the chance to win great prizes for your pet INCLUDING a Cozy Sweater and Scarf, Melting Snowman Cookies and a Winterfest Hoodie!


Available from Jan 7th – 20th:



Download the Webkinz Mobile app to shop, decorate your pet’s rooms, play games, dress and feed your pets on the go!


The Webkinz Mobile Pet app is now available for FREE on iTunes* … and on the Google Play Store**


124 Responses to New Prizes On Webkinz Mobile!

  1. webkinzlove1234 says:

    if anyone gets doubles plz traded them with me

  2. zootzoot says:

    These prizes are all so cute, I wish they weren’t on Mobile.

  3. minigummybears says:

    Nice. Once me and my friend made Melting Snowman Cookies at this small one hour bake event thing over break once, they were good. Though they don’t look exactly like that because we used different toppings and stuff. :)

  4. hln2004 says:

    I don’t know if it is just me,but I myself do not think that the winterfest hoodie is not very….. well…….Wintery.If you know what I mean.

  5. llkkmdmr says:

    hi hey i was wondering if someone could give me two of each clothes (dont have mobile:( and one set is for my sister lsoup1 and me llkkmdmt) thanks so much:)

  6. kin2832 says:

    Love the cafe hot chocolate!:) My username is missy2832.

  7. TennesseeFrogs2 says:

    Can anyone tell me why neither me or my sister can do Fennec Fox owner special activities? We have the e-store version but the plush virtual is exactly the same and the site shouldn’t be able to tell the difference, should it?

    • prprprprp says:

      Well, did you get it this month? ‘Cause if not then you won’t get the bonus prize. But for special activities, those should be working…I don’t know why they wouldn’t as long as you actually do have the fennec fox. Try emailing or calling Costumer Support about it, they may be able to help. :)

      • prprprprp says:

        Oops, that should be spelled “Customer” not “Costumer” lol! not the Costumer Support! xD “We help you have the best costumes!!” rofl!

        • TennesseeFrogs2 says:

          No, we didn’t get them this month so we weren’t expecting a bonus gift or anything. We actually got them before the plush were even made or we probably would have gotten the plush lol. I’ll try contacting them later.

          • evefdee says:

            Ganz stated that they would evaluate each account ..but, you need to e-mail and let them know. A lot of other people are having this same issue.

  8. rudyxv says:

    So cool love all of them!!!~rudyxv~

  9. 082003m says:

    School got out early today yay!!!!!

  10. Kamots55 says:

    I wish I did webkinz mobile more often, but I prefer going on the computer to do webkinz. It’s way easier to me.

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