October’s Featured Pets

81 Responses to October’s Featured Pets

  1. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Er.. I know this probably isn’t the right place to put this, but I’m currently having trouble with the Webkinz newz forums. I can’t post anything on any of them right now. Ever since this morning, of I try to post something, it won’t go though; I’ll just be taken to the first page of whichever forum I’m replying to, and a message shows up saying “error: are you sure you wanted to do that?” Can someone please help me? The forums are my favorite part of WKN, and I comment on them almost daily… I’d be so upset if I wasn’t able to reply to them anymore :(

  2. doggiegear82 says:

    Three recolors, we already have several penguins, a corgi, and a sloth. The PSIs better be amazing, or I will save my $$$ next month.

  3. Spiderhulkman says:

    Hahaha! When I read Panama Sloth I read it as Pajama Sloth. XD Though, that would be a interesting psi, Panama Sloth Pajamas. :)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      LOL XD I wish! I would love a sloth that looks like Sid from Ice Age. It would go great with my Manny and Diego! I also want to get Crash and Eddie, but the Webkinz possum doesn’t look much like them. The ferret looks a little closer. I’m sure there are too many issues with copyright infringement. *sigh*

  4. trina621 says:

    What the actual……They’re literally just remakes. like not even more creative than the others, You guys just put sparkles on the penguin, Changed the sloth a different colour and used a different fabric for the corgi….i was hoping we would have a NEW BIRD. i’m starting to thing ganz is becoming way to lazy to make new patterns for pets and just switchches up the fabric….defiantly will not be purchasing these pets, So a loss of money from me.

  5. LadyBeauty says:

    I would love to see Webkinz make a tricolored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel! ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

  6. genren1 says:

    !! Sparkly penguin, how cute. I will have to nab that one, yessiree.

  7. lazygal says:

    I just want the Corgi dog only for me. I mean the other animals are okay and I can wait for them more than the dog anyway.

  8. strawberryswirls27 says:

    I really am loving the sloth! Corgi looks so sweet. The penguin is cute too, it looks like a sparkly Waddles.

  9. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Sparkly Penguin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. MockingbirdInc says:

    I think it’s funny people either love the Corgi or are annoyed be it – there don’t seem to be any neutral feelings. XD

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