Player Appreciation Day is TODAY!


Tuesday, June 29th – Another Player Appreciation Day has arrived!


Remember to log in to your Webkinz Classic account using the desktop app and visit the Today’s Activities schedule to receive this month’s Player Appreciation Day Gift – a pair of Jumbleberry Overalls!



*PLEASE NOTE: This item cannot be traded, sold, or sent through KinzPost.


What are some of YOUR favorite Webkinz overalls? Let us know in the comments below!


38 Responses to Player Appreciation Day is TODAY!

  1. babymoose88 says:

    Thanks for the great gift! There has been nothing but rain where I live, and let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than playing Webkinz while it’s pouring rain!

  2. gingergenie2 says:

    Love those overalls. Maybe next Berry Fest we could get goo-goo berry overalls.

  3. alucard says:

    ALL Webkinz items should be able to be traded, sold, or Kinzposted. We players are paying to play this game, using our real money to do so. We should be able to trade, sell, or send ALL of our items in Webkinz World! It’s not like the items are going to go to someone who doesn’t play Webkinz. Many of us like to send items as gifts to our Webkinz Friends, or we just want to get rid of items we do not like or want. It’s our choice to do so! You keep saying it’s so “children” won’t sell, trade, or send something of “value”. I don’t think that’s a good enough reason, as I think more adults play this game than children. Please rethink this!

  4. TRINSTER says:

    I love these!!!!

  5. ojibwa says:

    They are so darn cute! Thanks!

  6. kmade15 says:

    So cute! Thank you!!

  7. frozenanna2 says:

    Yay! I love those overalls!

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    Thank You So Much Mayor Dr. Quack!

  9. Blue57Star says:

    Not related to the topic but I’ve had a technical issue is Webkinz Next, and am not sure where/who I need to contact to get it fixed. I was working on the “bringing up baby stage 3 of 3” challenge and yesterday I filled the growth meter. I chose to grow my baby pet there and then, which successfully turned her into a kid pet, but the “fill the growth meter” part of the challenge now shows 0/14 instead of completing. Where do I need to contact to get this challenge completed on my account so I can claim the reward for it?

  10. Imtiredofthis says:

    i don’t like when things aren’t traceable or sendable. Can you rethink this?

    • TRINSTER says:

      Wouldn’t it be great if there was one day a year when you could sell or send all the stuff that you don’t like that is stuck in your dock? I’d even settle for being able to delete them!

    • alucard says:

      I think if you want something deleted from your account you have to call or email them, which is nice but…it takes a lot of time and effort to do that. It would be so much easier if they would just let us trade/send/sell all our Webkinz items that we don’t want or need. I love sharing extra items that I have, but I do not like to trade in the Club House. Although I might start trading here in the Webkinz Newz Forum. I do have some items that can’t be traded/sold/mailed, so I’m stuck with them. The only way to deal with these items is to make a room just for items that can’t be traded/sold/mailed. A few years ago we got Arte’s Curio Shop wallpaper, so I made a Curio Shop room to store those kind of items in. It’s not a perfect system, but it does help. :-)

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