Plumpy – Live on Facebook!

Have you always wanted to get your questions answered by Plumpy? Great news! Tomorrow (June 11) she’ll be on Facebook at 12:00, ready to answer questions for one hour!

If you’ve got a problem, Plumpy is there to help. She’ll try to answer as many questions as she can – and if your question doesn’t get answered tomorrow, Plumpy may just answer it in an upcoming article! Be sure to join us tomorrow at!

103 Responses to Plumpy – Live on Facebook!

  1. OMG says:

    This is awsome! I have a facebook and it’s SOOOO much fun! all my friends are on there!
    Thank you

  2. Tamantha says:

    Wow, getting my important webkizn questions that i can never get answered, are finally being answered by a hippo. Yay.

  3. joey says:

    my name is Joeylynn10 u can be my friend

  4. Bratzz1 says:

    dose any one want to be my freind! i am bratzz1

  5. RavenPaw says:

    i’m going to use my mom’s faceboo, because she let’s me use hers, sometimes! ask your parents if you can use theirs, even if it isn’t yours. maybe they’ll lat you!

  6. dotdotbam says:

    well. I don’t have Facebook. :( I have some questions for her but can’t ask her. my mom used to have a FB account but not anymore. :( I want to ask questions!

  7. mccara22 says:

    hi i am a big fan of webkinz i play it every day and if you could do it on twitter to cause i cant have face book right now now

  8. sarmado says:

    thats not fair. some people aren’t even alowed to be on face book plus we aren’t old enough!!!!

  9. miamiamiapiapiapia says:

    im not alowed to go on twitter then that means i cant go on facebook :( and if u want to add my on webkinz im vic708

  10. kitkat says:

    dang it i won’t get my facebook til next month :[

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