Podkinz 94: St. Patrick’s Day Preview!


Michael and Mandy welcome special guest Betty Butter to the podkinz booth who goes head to head against Mandy in a special W-Shop guessing game. At the end of the episode, Michael and Mandy give out a code for a Lucky Coin Gift Box that you can drag into your pet’s room to try and find a lucky coin!



Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!


47 Responses to Podkinz 94: St. Patrick’s Day Preview!

  1. hannah5banana says:

    Thank you SO much for this Ganz. These prizes are awesome and it is going to make things much more fun then just waiting for Lucky to appear in the clubhouse. And thanks to Mandy and Michael too for the code for the box. I can’t wait to start collecting the coins!!!

  2. Rocky5465 says:

    Why is the Webkinz clubhouse not working right now? Everytime I go to the clubhouse it logs me out of my account and I have to log back in. I know this is not just me, its happening to everyone. Is it being worked on right now or its just a glitch? I hope it starts working again soon, the clubhouse is the main thing we go to for a lot of us.

  3. animalsmatter1 says:

    Thrilled there is a new Podkinz! (Nothing is better at the end of the day, than a hot cup of tea a brand new Podkinz!) I enjoyed Episode 94 so much. First–to sarah572: Great letter! You’re a very thoughtful friend; Webkinz are THE BEST gifts for anyone of any age! (I got my first plushy as gift, in fact.) shelkinz67–interesting e-mail! Great observation; I never even noticed that; good for you, having such a keen eye. Betty Butter: you are such a great guest host; I agree with 50ishwebbies–your accent is beautiful! Please come back and do more episodes of everything; you’re so sweet. Congratulations to you and Mandy; you both did terrific on the Checkout Challenge. (A little ‘frightening’ for me, though: I only got one price wrong…which makes me wonder if I spend just a bit too much time on Webkinz! lol) Michael: The coin box is such a great idea; and the Find The Ads is always so much fun. There’s much to look forward to in March. Thank you and Mandy and Betty Butter for the code. My pets will enjoy visiting the code shop later, and getting a their surprise. Mandy: never, ever lose that wonderful laugh! It’s delightfully infectious!

  4. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Oh! Betty Butter is back! Hi, Betty! Welcome back to Ganz! :) This Podkinz was so much fun! I’m so excited for Podkinz!!!!!!!! St. Partick’s Day will be awesome! This year, the leprechaun should ask Daisy for Shamrock food when he walks around in the clubhouse. XD

  5. Greymasquerade says:

    yet another day without the clubhouse working. i am so sick of all the glitches on webkinz.com, they almost make the game unplayable at this point.

  6. Nibbles123451209 says:

    Wait are we doing the find the leprechaun in the clubhouse event this year?

  7. Alphaowlbear says:

    Another fun episode of podkinz – thanks for the code and the sneak peek of the prizes during leprechaun hunt – I won’t spoil any info, but I’m really looking forward to the prizes, one in particular. Thanks again!

  8. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    I am asking for my grandma who plays . She and I want to know if the sapling can be sent even if its only allowed to be sent on 1 day . My grandma want to send me her’s . Can she do that ?

  9. 50ishwebbies says:

    TERRIERS: Airedale, Border, Boston, Brown Boston, Bull REG, Bull SiG, Carin, Fox, Jack Russel, Scottish, Soft Coaten Wheaten, Tartan, Topaz, West HIghland REG, West HIghland SiG, White REG, White LiL’. … 17 and we do need more lolol LOVED the Checkout Challenge Game; especially love Mandy’s contagious laugh and Betty Butter’s beautiful accent. I missed one price. I am going to really miss Lucky the Leprechaun this year :( THANK YOU Michael for the fun and generous code!!!!

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