Podkinz Ep 103: Wacky Zingoz Celebration Prizes!


In this episode of Podkinz, Mandy and Michael read some KinzPost and sneak peek this year’s Wacky Zingoz Celebration prizes. Make sure you watch the whole episode because at the end, they give away a code for a Bake Sale 1 prize!



Enter the code at the Code Shop on Webkinz.com. Your Bake Sale 1 prize will automatically be added to your Dock. You won’t be awarded the piece of pie, but there are pieces of Prize Pie available for eStore points in the NEW & PROMOS section of the W-Shop.


Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!


47 Responses to Podkinz Ep 103: Wacky Zingoz Celebration Prizes!

  1. MarnieWest says:

    The prizes get better and better each time you trade with him. As long as you trade with the same pet every time.

  2. choover143 says:

    Wacky is my favorite!! I can’t wait for all this stuff :)

  3. Alphaowlbear says:

    Since we will all be playing WackyEr Zingoz a lot to try to win the fabulous new Wacky prizes, how about adding it to the list of arcade games that award pet medallions? Those medallions are still hard to come by. Thanks for the new prizes and Wacky challenge – it’s going to be a lot of fun.

  4. EmeraldCity says:

    Awe, the Wacky Knapsack! Love that prize, will get it just in time for back to school outfits! I want one for real, ha ha!

  5. mycatsnores says:

    The best part of the game, I think, is when you hit Wacky and you know it was a really terrible hit but you have to sit there anyway and watch the Epic Fail. :)

  6. kaye10 says:

    Ok here’s a question for michael, mandy OR please pass on to webkinz: there is an issue with badges being awarded (I currently have 3 examples, but one applies to wacky, so here goes): I have the Zingoz Celebration Wacky thrills badge–the exact same description is given for the Wacky Zingoz triple trophy champ badge, for which I am not given credit. Is it a mistake in the description? If you could pass on the other 2 also please: 1- Lulu Lively badge just does not award–I have gotten over 10 jars of alfalfa many, many times, but no badge ;( (tear, not a wink); 2- I just won first place in a Quick Tournament but did not receive the Victory badge. I don’t want to waste time working hard on these only to not get credit, if you could please, please direct this to someone who can fix…thanks so much!!! k.

  7. LuckyFinnigan says:

    WACK-A-RIFIC!! Look at all those NEW PRIZES!! Thank you so much! This is going to be an awesome event!

  8. sixteencandles says:

    Great Podkinz Michael and Mandy. I have a Wacky Zingoz plushie too. Sooo very cute.

  9. annietherat says:

    Seriously looking forward to the Wacky Zingoez Celebration!

  10. megamom12 says:

    Thank you for keeping me company on my dinner break again!

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