Podkinz Ep 109: Moving Rooms!

In this episode of Podkinz, Michael and Mandy sneak peek a brand new House Map feature in Webkinz World: The ability to move your rooms! Get ready, because you’ll be able to move the rooms on your Webkinz account starting November 21st… And oh yeah, they give away a free code too!



Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!




147 Responses to Podkinz Ep 109: Moving Rooms!

  1. 2WebMomz says:

    Thank you! I won’t know where to begin but I’m excited but the possibilities :)

  2. TaffyKitty12 says:

    This is incredible news! ^-^ I’ve been waiting for this feature for so long, and I’m thrilled that it’s going to be a reality in just a few days! ;D Thank you, Ganz!

  3. 73kibarry says:


  4. ojibwa says:


  5. upsetness says:

    THANK YOU!!!! We have been waiting for this for years! I am so excited. Will we also be able to move doors? The door thing has been a promise sitting out there for years, so close it feels as though we can reach out and touch it, but still out of our grasp. But, I am so excited about moving the rooms. This will at least allow us to move a room and will thereby change the wall that the door is on. Again, many thanks. I know this took a lot of work by the Webkinz team.

  6. kaye10 says:

    you two are very cute–love to listen just for the accents, if nothing else! but this moving room stuff, oh my I am so overwhelmed, as I have over 700 rooms…I would possible like to move all my storage rooms together (I think I have eight of them), but I have worked so hard to learn & remember where things are; also, since we have been able to save/move wallpapers and floors, I have moved rooms (the hard way) when I really wanted to. one question–if we now have this ability, is it possible to please, please get the sunshine fixed? not certain how many other items remain, but that is the one I have most noticed. best, k.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Seven. Hundred. Rooms. Whoa. @_@ I thought that my house was a bit sprawling with 139. (My family teases me all the time about my ‘enthusiasm’ for the game!) I can’t even imagine what 700 rooms looks like. Well, it gives me a new goal to shoot for!!

  7. radish35 says:

    DREAM COME TRUE!!!!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! You just made WebKinz so much fun again!!!

  8. wendy116 says:

    Awesome !!!!! This is going to be amazing !!!!!

  9. webbiekinz1 says:

    This is GREAT!!

  10. MarnieWest says:


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