Podkinz Ep. 38: Webkinz Day, Part 1


Hosted by Gennelle Webkinz, this podcast is about all things Webkinz! Each episode has a theme and we chat about everything – favorite pets, awesome items, current and upcoming Webkinz events, and more! For fans who want an inside look at Webkinz World, we also feature interviews with Ganz staffers and put a spotlight on different areas in Webkinz. Most importantly, though, Podkinz is all about YOU. Tell us what you’d like us to talk about in the podcast! There are so many ways to get in touch with us to send us your comments, suggestions and questions:


  • In the comment section under each podcast on WebkinzNewz.com
  • On Facebook or Twitter (remember to hashtag your question/comment/suggestion with #podkinz)
  • By email at podkinz@ganz.com
  • By snail mail:



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Your submission might be read on the show!






…Gennelle and Michael give you exclusive hints about what’s coming up for Webkinz Day and Year 10!


What’s In Our KinzPost?: Lovely stories from listeners about what Webkinz means to them!


Webkinz Day Preview, Part 1: Get exclusive hints about events and more!


What’s Next: It’s Part 2 of 2 of our Webkinz Day MEGA episode! Important: as we approach our 10th anniversary, we really want to hear your stories about why you love Webkinz World and what it means to you! Your letter could be read on the show, so email us at podkinz@ganz.com or comment below!



You can also subscribe to Podkinz on iTunes or listen to episodes on our YouTube channel:


To read Podkinz transcripts or to submit one, click here! Your contributions are much appreciated.

58 Responses to Podkinz Ep. 38: Webkinz Day, Part 1

  1. Mascoutah says:

    Dear Podkinz, I remember when I first joined Webkinz. I really love them, especially the Signatures. I still like Webkinz even though I’m in 7th Grade. I really love Webkinz so much I might actually work at Ganz when I grow up. Do have any recommended colleges that I can go to (In the USA)? I have a good feeling that the retired bed is the Dragon Bed. You are the best!

  2. cathouse2 says:

    I am very excited for Webkinz Day this year! :) 10 years of Webkinz means so much to me!

  3. redgreen says:

    Is there any chance for a 2015 Webkinz road trip?

  4. camera173 says:

    Ive been a member since June 7th 2008 I was 12 years old at the time and am 19 now and I still play my neighbor introduced me to webkinz and we both bought our first webkinz together I bought the velvety elephant because I absolutely adore elephants I paid $15 for it because they were still fairly new but now I can get them for $3 I remember decorating my first room with the kids theme which is retired now I even remember when you could buy clothes from the wshop the kinzstyle outlet didnt even exist! I have 81 pets I took a break from webkinz for so long that my account expired and just got back into it in January and Im glad I did I love doin my daily activities and am an avid trader I dont care about bein an older player because even though webkinz is directed a to younger audience I think it can be for all ages because of how fun it is I always love adopting new pets my favorite webkinz you guys have created is the webkinz shark I love sharks! Cant wait for the 10th anniversary! 3 more weeks! Yay! Keep up the great work!

    • jenniferobbi2 says:

      camera173 you are never to old to play Webkinz. A lot of us in the over 50′s group are addicted to Webkinz. We’ve been know to take our Weebies on vacation with us. If you need to build up your friend list my ur name is jenniferobbi2 and I always answer requests.

      • oats34WK says:

        i agree jenniferobbi2 you are never to old to play webkinz i started to play when i was 26 or 27 and mow i’m 35 can you friend me too? my username is oats34WK

        • netge says:

          I’m 60 and have been playing since 2007 when I bought my first Webkinz, a cute little raccoon. I have played virtually every day since and play to unwind in the evening. I have about 123 pets and my husband always sighs when I buy another. I also collect teddy bears and have hundreds, as well as raccoons, moose and beavers. I am always on Webkinz every day so if you want to friend me I am netg and I always respond and send items for quests, etc when asked.

          • oats34WK says:

            awesome netge i’ll friend you very soon

          • LadyBeauty says:

            Netge, I can relate!! I too started in 2007 with my Clydesdale, Greatheart. My husband also gives that big sigh and says I really don’t understand the appeal to Webkinz but whenever there is a plush Webkinz I put on my wish list, he always gets it for me!! We’re blessed that they love us and put up with our TeddyBears, Dolls, and Webkinz! Friend me! My user name is also LadyBeauty. ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

          • 2beagles1cat says:

            I joined in March of 2008 when my grown son bought me a beagle. I’m now 66 and still play every day! I love it that there is young and old alike here in Webkinz. Friend me if you want–I’m beaglicious–and always respond too. I think this 10-Year Webkinz Day celebration is the most exciting event in a while!

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      There are far more adult players than I first realized. Webkinz is for everybody! camera173, my user is emeraldlyn if you’d like to add me.

  5. TaffyKitty12 says:

    I’m definitely not going to miss April 29th!

  6. darlabell says:

    We can’t wait for Webkinz Day, it all started in 2006 when my Granddaughter got a Webkinz for her birthday. Today we have 11 accounts with 958 Webkinz. I love dressing my pets in all the cute outfits and decorating my rooms. Keep up the good work and Happy 10th Birthday Webkinz World!

  7. jellydonut says:

    Man, most of this episode was just “Stay tuned!” Dx Can’t wait to find out more in the next few weeks. I hope everything will be revealed by the next PodKinz. I’m really excited for this Webkinz Day and I think it’s great that you guys are doing so much to celebrate it. Some people say it’s gone downhill, but I think Webkinz has done nothing but improve in the past 10 years.

  8. fluff54 says:

    What sparked me going on webkinz was when my Aunt sent me a elephant lil’ kinz. She thought that the online code thingie was a price tag so she cut it off! I was upset! but then I went to my local hallmark and they had tons!!!! they have a card that If you bought 9 webkinz the 10th is free! Sadly they don’t sell them anymore. Not even the bookmarks or clothes that I used to always get. Why? I’m going to ask next time I go! Oh I just can’t wait for the super wheel!!!! What prizes are going to be on it!? When will you post it Michael??? I’m a big animal lover too!!!! I have a super furry guinea pig!! So it’s like I have two pets fluffy my guinea pig and my webkinz pets!!!!

    • Michael Webkinz says:

      Hi fluff54… We are going to post the Webkinz Day Super Wheel prizes on April 14th! Stay tuned…

    • 594nat says:

      I also have an AMAZING SUPER CUTE guinea pig…named….Muk Muk! I love her so much! She’s 5 years old now. My cat always bugs her though…but that’s how some cats are, annoying and proud of themselves! :-) I love Webkinz!

      • Jbird1300 says:

        I have a guinea pig also…… his name is MacGyver. He sometimes follows me around the house and up the stairs, but webkinz are my favorite stuffed animals yet! Anyway, me and my brother sometimes play Webkinz Warriors….. A game I made up…… Each Webkinz pet has special powers given to them by what kind of animal they are, what color, and their personalities you give them! Then each Webkinz pet gets to use their powers individually each turn! My brother and I have soooo much fun! P.S. Thanks PodKinz!

        • 13llamaseatingcheese says:

          I am I am so excited about this. I got my 1st Webkinz when I was 7 and forgot it for almost 5 years until I got a new Webkinz, so I am so excited about Webkinz day!

    • Hhayes says:

      Dear Podkinz, One reason I really love webkinz is it is a very safe website. I like how there is a plus system where you can chat, but it has a thorough process to get it so it is safe. Me and a lot of my friend’s parents don’t want us actually talking to people so I like being able to just have the chat system and talk to my friends that way! :) I also like all the great characters in webkinz and how friendly all you guys are and helpful! It is also very fun to get on webkinz after a hard day at school and just play. Last but not least…. PODKINZ! I really like podkinz! You are always discussing very interesting stuff. Thanks!

  9. NMKID4527 says:

    It almost felt like you guys left me on a cliffhanger there because you won’t reveal the real prizes. You’re just leaving everything as a mystery. I’m really really excited!!!!!!!! I can’t wait until Webkinz Day!!!! At least a few days before that too! A storyline? That part really got to me!

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