Podkinz Video – Kinzville Tea Party Event!


Learn about the new Kinzville Tea Party event that starts on January 25, on Webkinz Classic. At the end of this episode, Mandy and Michael give away a code for a 2023 Winterfest prize!



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20 Responses to Podkinz Video – Kinzville Tea Party Event!

  1. kri402 says:

    Thank you for these great events, but I’m wondering if the Friendly Froggy Tea Set was removed from the Spree prizes pool just for the tea party event? I don’t remember seeing any notifications recently about removing any Spree prizes. Can we get it back after the event is over? It was my favorite Spree prize and it was definitely available before the latest upgrade.

  2. sunnypinksky says:

    I’m beyond excited for this event. Tea party themes are my favorite, and I think the regency set especially will look great in a variety of rooms. Having the chairs display stuffed animals was such a creative idea. The Mushroom ones might also look pretty great in a wonderland room, perhaps with some rabbit plush on display? <3

  3. Grumpylas says:

    I ADORE these chairs for the plush. Amazing job team, way to think out side of the box. Looking forward to more stuff like this.

  4. teamascot says:

    I am really hoping someone has an extra Raziel Slide they would send me. It looks so cool and no matter how many times I try to win the Wish of the Day it doesn’t happen: ( Username teamascot

  5. nicetigress says:

    I got the Raccoon Plush and the Skiis (I have two Webkinz Classic Accounts).

  6. nicetigress says:

    Thanks for the code! Great video!

  7. Peaches1018 says:

    ty for another code :)

  8. cowtown2 says:

    wow I’m so excited thank you thank you this is a great ideal and that we can put our plushie’s on the chair, I wanted this for so long, I said they would be great to fill in places if our plushie’s can seat in chairs thank you so much i can’t wait, i hope to get all seats at least one off each please bring this back, its great and that your keeping with themes we have thank you we love to add to our themes, grrrreat job webkinz, thank you Mandy and Michael for the podkinz video, having a hard time right now and this cheered me up, thank you all for what you do, i know that there are so many things going on its not easy to come up with all the great things that webkinz does, really thank you all, webkinz classic and next, estore and the newz, thank you and to all my friends we are a a webkinz family truly we are.

    • lgert says:

      would have loved the tea sets, i hope you can add more to this theme you did so well, and the room in the clubhouse gives us all tea room themes, maybe a wallpaper and flooring so many for this ideal, please let us have more to add, maybe for a mothers day or grandparent’s day, be nice to add to this you know we love a theme.

  9. Lemony2 says:

    Kudos to whoever came up with this fantastic idea! Love tea parties.

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