Podkinz Video – Webkinz Next BBQ Event!


Find out what you can grill up during this year’s BBQ event, which is currently taking place on Webkinz Next! At the end of the episode, the Podkinz crew give away a code for a Berry Fest Gift Basket that you can drag into your room on Webkinz Classic to earn a Goo-Goo Berry and a Polarberry!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll know when we release new videos!


Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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11 Responses to Podkinz Video – Webkinz Next BBQ Event!

  1. nicetigress says:

    As always, thanks for the code and Podkinz Episode!

  2. megamom12 says:

    Wait, you can put a shirt WITH the overalls???? Oh, I’m heading for the NEXT W-Shop!

  3. tuxkitty1 says:

    I have had no issues with getting my free mixed berry basket.

  4. fancyduck58 says:

    I was able to get the free mixed berries from the estore a few minutes ago. :)

  5. Duckcall says:

    Thank you for the Berry Fest gift basket. Today I found out that the ESTORE was out of the free mixed berry baskets.

  6. 2002hun says:

    Is anyone else not able to get a free mixed berries basket from the estore? when i go to the page it says “Quantity: Unavailable”

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