Rare Theme Showcase: Whimsical Wonderland!


Arte’s Curio Shop has some amazing things, including many spectacular rare themes! His stock changes every hour, so you have to check back often to see what he has to offer!


Here’s a look at the rare Whimsical Wonderland theme that can only be found in the Curio Shop!


(*Note: Items with an eStore Points coin are available only through the Ganz eStore)





Deluxe Members also have access to a second set of items updated hourly, so they have TWICE the chance of finding amazing items! Learn more about Deluxe Membership here.


DID YOU KNOW? If you have a Twitter account, you can follow @webkinz and get notifications when a rare item is in the Curio Shop!


Have YOU collected any of the items from this rare theme? Let us know in the comments below!


72 Responses to Rare Theme Showcase: Whimsical Wonderland!

  1. linasiara123 says:

    I love seeing these! I’m only missing a few that I can get from Arte’s :)

  2. emilyt99 says:

    I have collected this theme! I love it! I even have the caterpillar bubble thing from one of the giveaways Webkinz did. I think it was a community challenge. SO FUN!

  3. ImaPepper says:

    Wow, I guess I have more of this theme than I thought–I think I have every non e-store piece. I’d love to find more of the Mad Hatter Chairs. A LOT of this theme is e-store…that’s too bad, I’d hoped to complete it.

  4. otisbulldogmiddleton says:

    I absolutely LOVE the Alice in Wonderland movies and this theme is truly a wonderful treat!

  5. Rnw9kinz says:

    cool i love this theme and how much resembles the Disney film “Alice and Wonder Land”

  6. MisakiKt says:

    I never really liked the themes of the rare items, only the neo gothic ones. But now i think i like this one too!! I have the friendly face flower, catterpillar bubble blower, ace of clubs dividor and the painted rose bush. Some things are weird in this theme!

  7. Spiderhulkman says:

    I have 7 of these items. Some I got from the curio shop and some others were given to me by my friends (they are totally AWESOME!) Red Buttons LOVES his wonderland room!

  8. tinygma says:

    Why isn’t the Whimsical Floor Pillow in the photo ? Does it do anything ?

  9. natalie13 says:

    I haave seen and own only 10 of those items?

  10. ca10lu says:

    I really like this theme and my whimsical room is actually my storage room. I have the wallpaper and flooring and I put tree fridges on the grass side for my food collection, and wardrobes on the other for my clothing collection. I have the tea table set up with the chairs, as well as the divider, bubble blower, and purple flower. I’m happy with my collection, but I’d also like the painted rose bush for my garden.

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