Replacing DiceKinz Dice Packs and T-Shirt Maker Framed Displays!


As Webkinz World has continued to move forward, some features that were not popular had to be left behind. However, some of these features involved items that either no longer have any use, or are too complicated to reproduce in the new system.


As of January 7th, if you have any DiceKinz Dice Packs in your Dock, they will be replaced with a DiceKinz Coin. The new coins can each be sold for 250 KinzCash, or you can send it to a friend, or even trade it in the trading rooms.



Also as of January 7th, the T-Shirt Maker Framed Display will no longer be customized per player. This will be replaced with a new, single version of the T-Shirt Maker Framed Display. However, since this new framed display no longer contains any player-specific information, it can be sold, traded, or sent through KinzPost.




Do you have any of these old items on your Webkinz account? Let us know in the comments below!


199 Responses to Replacing DiceKinz Dice Packs and T-Shirt Maker Framed Displays!

  1. sleepybadger says:

    I remember Dicekinz, I kinda miss it now.

  2. givensm says:

    I had the dicekinz game and they took it away

  3. warriors2002 says:

    I don’t have any DiceKinz…:/

  4. xoingtoby says:

    My frame never showed my t-shirt anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter much to me and I never cared much for the dicekinz game really. I get why they had to be left behind.

  5. MaddyKinzzx says:


  6. texasanne says:

    Ooops I meant 250KC coin. But even if it was a 2500KC coin, I still would rather keep my dice packs.

  7. texasanne says:

    I like having my dice packs in my dock. I wish they would remain as a neat collector’s item instead of being replaced with something so common as a 20KC coin. This makes me very sad. I would rather just keep my dice packs.

  8. ChipperChirp says:

    I miss the t shirt designer

  9. SignatureIsland says:

    I heard your homeschooled xCountryKinz17. ME TOO!

  10. jmonton says:

    I think it’s unfair that you take away these items that people have either bought or have collected. I liked Dicekinz and have collected several of the packs. The T-shirt thing I did not know about. I think you should not take these away, but instead offer some kind of display for pet’s rooms.

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