Roberta’s Revenge









I still cannot believe that Cowabelle managed to trick me this morning. I just knew she was going to try and pull something, but I guess I was so sleepy when she called at 5:30 that it didn’t occur to me that today was April 1. I felt like such an idiot, standing outside the school like that at 5am. But I know exactly how to get back at her. Cowabelle has been eying this one sweater in the KinzStyle Outlet but she keeps moaning about how it’s too expensive and she can’t afford it. Well, I am going to call her after school and tell her that PJ is having a 50% off sale. Cowabelle will probably rush right out, thinking the sweater she wants has come down in price and then she will be in for a shock!

50 Responses to Roberta’s Revenge

  1. Sadie says:

    good one! you got her good!!!

  2. kittykat99 says:

    good prank !!!

  3. ruchirock says:

    Thanks for agreeing MonkeyGirl09! *~Ruchirock~*

  4. Dakrivena says:

    Hm, I don’t celebrate April Fools, I just treat it as any usual day.

  5. elizibeth says:

    Will PRANK my sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. HavaneseLover says:

    Cowabelle isn’t going to lose kinzcash. She’s just gonna go to the store and see the shirts not on sale.

  7. Dragonfish says:

    Finally! Someone who isn’t playing a SUPER mean trick. I want to hear how it turns out. (*(*dragonfish*)*)

  8. Solange says:

    Wow, i am sorry but that is not funny. so lame, though it did make me laugh because it was supposed to be like really funny when it was boring.

  9. MarshmallowKittyKat says:

    Roberta, isn’t that kind of mean? I mean, think of how much kinzcash Cowabelle will lose!

  10. Kendall says:

    Thats a really good trick to play on her!Tell me if it works but she may outsmart you because after all she runs a school!Just an idea about whats going to happen.Your friend Kendall

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