Say Goodbye to Dr. Quack on the Map of Kinzville!


Dr. Quack has officially closed the clinic, but you can still find him walking around your Map of Kinzville!


Click on him once each day to receive a great goodbye gift:




Dr. Quack will only be on the Map of Kinzville until April 14th, so don’t forget to stop by and say goodbye!


What do you think Dr. Quack should do now that he’s retired? Let us know in the comments below!


225 Responses to Say Goodbye to Dr. Quack on the Map of Kinzville!

  1. cherrycupcake says:

    I’m so sad your leaving I basically grew up with webkinz I think that he should be involved with holiday activities and games i’ll miss you!

  2. cherrycupcake says:

    I’m so sad your leaving I basically grew up with webkinz!

  3. Galaya says:

    Since Dr. Quack is now retired, I think he should open a Kinzville Academy medical class for webkinz who are interested in the medical world. I think it would work out well but idk :)

  4. 5kite17 says:

    We’re going to need a new doctor!!

  5. SpecialPackage says:

    I’ve been a member since 03 and I don’t like alot of the changes either. Some are good good but everything seems to be the deluxe members. I’m not and I feel I miss out on alot . What about those who have been with webkinz for a long time but can”t be a deluxe member. The doc should stay .

  6. snowflake121314151 says:

    Dr.Quack you can not go

  7. hannahbanana3933 says:

    NOO!!! not doctor quack, he’s been here for as long as i can remember! fair well doctor quack and thanks for curing my pats when they got sick ;-;

  8. JoyfulLark says:

    I want all these prizes, but I want them in a way that would keep Dr. Quack and the clinic around. I really hate that they’re getting him to close and I know a lot of others feel the same way. It also makes no sense because in real life, even if Kinz weren’t getting sick, they’d still get hurt or injured and would need help (Dr. Quack’s Assistant at the Employment Office is proof of that).

  9. tttvvv says:

    I thought he was still open today!!! I really wanted to take all my pets there one last time :( can’t believe I missed his last day open

  10. CatHeart says:

    I am making a dr. Qwack retire room, and my computers loading cuz I am going on Webkinz to find dr.qwack!

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