Sneak Peek: April Deluxe Monthly Challenge!


April’s Deluxe Monthly Challenge starts April 1st and you’ll love the Grand Prize! Players who complete all 3 tasks will win a Rubber Ducky Bathtub and Scrambled Omelet:



Click on the Deluxe Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review you tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete your Deluxe Monthly Challenges as some tasks may take some time to complete. This month’s tasks:


  • Spin the Wheel of Deluxe 5 times
  • Earn 120 KinzCash playing Webkinz Scrambled in the Games Arcade
  • Win 3 games of Checkers at the Tournament Arena


Not a Deluxe Member? Join before the end of the month in order to play April’s Deluxe Challenge!


54 Responses to Sneak Peek: April Deluxe Monthly Challenge!

  1. cassandra2222 says:

    super cute

  2. Alphaowlbear says:

    I won the Ducky Tub this morning – I love this prize! Thank you!

  3. bookworm688 says:

    I hope they add more challenges for non-deluxe members too. :) Enjoy your ducky bathtubs! They’re very cute

  4. MaliceLaStrange says:

    I’m so sick the of the tournament area challenges, i don’t do well with vs play and always get to upset and it discourages me from continuing to try. I’ve just played five games against the NPC and didnt win any. its really upsetting when this is often the thing that keeps me from getting the items. Wish they would come up with new things instead

  5. ELJUCO1964 says:

    oh my gosh I am totally doing this if I have to stand on my head and whistle Dixie… Love the tub….

  6. heidivike says:

    YOLO another adorbs item must have! Thanks Ganz

  7. motherk says:

    We want this tub to go with the adorable raincoat and boots from the mobile Wheel of Wow. Speaking of Wow- beating 3 players at Checkers will be difficult. Y’all are good! lol :) On a similar topic, does anyone know if you are able to skip a mini-quest at the Adventure Park? My daughter and I are both terrible at Go-Go Googles and we get stuck on that game when you have a quest with Stoogles.

    • Ritzcracker says:

      For the checkers game, play against a host rather than a real person. The hosts make pretty dumb moves, and it usually is quite easy to win.

    • Furbabiez says:

      Play against the Hosts. They are much more forgiving and often let you win ;)

    • LuckyFinnigan says:

      Read the instructions for go-go googles very carefully. Use that space bar to switch your googles around. One way catches the lower flowers and butterflies the others catches the higher ones. Jumping is done with the ^ up arrow key and slide your Googles back and forth with the mouse. It is a little more complex eye/hand co-ordination game. A little hint, here, for the first couple rounds the butterflies come from opposite ends. One from the left then one from the right (or vice versa). Don’t focus on spelling googles so much as knocking those butterflies away from the tree’s face before it settles on it. You can focus on spelling later as you get better and win a random chance at a trophy. I will tell you, though, I’ve only ever won one.

    • megamom12 says:

      Play with PJ Collie or Sheldon Turtle. They are easier to win against.

  8. pinkJess says:

    We are looking forward to scrambling for this yellow ducky! Thanks Webkinz Team!!!!

  9. cottoncandykayla says:

    I like it, not my fav though, but it is REALLY adorable! And hint: play checkers with PJ Collie. She is awful at it, so you could win every time! I do that every time they have a challenge that wants you to win an amount of playing checkers, I play with her.

  10. 1955tiny says:

    1 QUESTION or remark !! IF SOMEDAY you OFFER this to EVERYONE I will not CRY as long as I get a CHANCE at another OK !!

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