The Ostrich pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this April, and they’ve got a bunch of prizes you might win! From April 1 until April 30, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Ostrich 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a 2020 WKN April Gift Box. Open it to receive a random prize from the April Prize Pool.
Carrot Fridge
Carrot Spring Chair
Diamond Belt (NEW)
Diamond Mosaic Tile
Duck Billed Hat
Friends of the Earth Trophy
Go Green Hat
Scramble T-Shirt
Scrambled Egg Chair
Soft Gray Couch (NEW)
Sounds of Spring Stereo
Springtime Cardigan
Springtime Laced Heels
Springtime Leather Skirt
Taurus Symbol Wall Decoration
Webkinz Day Party Hat
Yesss, I finally got the diamond mosaic tile! I’m excited to put it in April’s room :)
can you find the ostrich every day? or can you only win once?
You can do it daily, but try to do it around the same time each day, as the reset is at midnight Greenwich Meantime, which is 7 or 8pm EST