Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This April Pet?


Can you guess which fine feathered friend this is?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early April to find the answer!


77 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This April Pet?

  1. alabastered says:

    maybe a gosling? or a fancy duck? it kind of looks like some sort of water fowl.

  2. MochaPupperoni says:

    That looks like a woodpecker I saw on google, the hairy woodpecker, but secretly hoping it is some kind of bird of prey…

  3. AbbyJo14 says:

    FINALLY another bird!! I can’t wait! 8D

  4. kbabervc12 says:

    looks like a chickadee!

  5. Picia says:

    macaroni penguin

  6. clearcreek6 says:

    I’m going to guess that it is a rabbit of some sort.

  7. silverchristmas says:

    I’d love for it to be a hawk. There have been three kinds of eagles and I’ve lost count on all the owls but there’s never been a hawk.

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Fine FEATHERED friend?? Oh boy, it must be a bird!! :D I really hope it’s a new flying bird, since the last bird we had was a penguin. If it was a bird of prey, I would be VERY excited XD I kinda think it looks like a goose, though, but we’ll see!

  9. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    A baby eagle? Another chickadee?

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