Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This December Pet?


Can you guess which gnarly sea creature this is?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early December to find the answer!


81 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This December Pet?

  1. hearer says:

    Is it a Narwhal? I love them!

  2. leopardlover0001 says:

    narwhal!! i have to have this plush!

  3. FrizzleLlines says:

    It’s a Narwhal!! I’m very excited for this pet

  4. r3ppinnj23 says:

    Is it a narwhal?

  5. cat2f says:

    Some sort of shark

  6. lazygal says:

    Okay this one is hard for me to think what it is and would say it could be a sea turtle or a hammerhead shark which would be cool to have that has a webkinz plush pet.

  7. 20hreiling says:

    YES!!! We finally get a plush version of the webkinz narwhale that was only available in the estore till now!!! :D (If you wondering how i know this is a plush webkinz narwhale it is because 1. it says that it is a sea creature. 2. in one of the pictures you can CLEARLY see a narwhale horn!)

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