Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This February Pet?


Which fluffy little friend could this be?

Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early February to find the answer!


76 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This February Pet?

  1. monkey3997 says:

    Its a persian cat. I would love a bunny though. But I am sure its a CAT.

  2. Commakinz says:

    I think a hare or bunny, maybe a snow-shoed hare!

  3. CountryHorses_14 says:

    It is definitely a rabbit of some kind. I will say that it’s a Snowshoe Hare.

  4. winterwarriorwolf says:

    An arctic hare! :D

  5. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    Bunny how bout a googles next

  6. lazygal says:

    I think it is a cat or a rabbit.

  7. oats34WK says:

    i think its a cat!!

  8. bee225 says:

    Bunny!It has got to be a bunny!

  9. monkeyfun15 says:

    Defiantly a Rodent of some kind. :)

  10. ilovemoonie says:

    It’s a fwuffy little bunny!(“w” intended) hey guys! Speaking of bunnys, our rabbits might have babies soon! They’re soooo cute when they’re little. You can just hold them in your hand! It’s a CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!………….sorry, that was wierd….anyways, uh, a bunny would be nice, yeah.

    • barb539 says:

      Congratulations! Do you have names picked out for the baby bunny’s? I think the pet might be a bunny too!

      • ilovemoonie says:

        Thanks barb539! And no, we don’t have names for them yet, because they haven’t been born, and I can think of names best when I’m looking at them. I do want to name one of them Bella the 2nd though, because we have another Bella, but….he turned out to be a boy. I really hope they do have babies though, because we put the male in with the three females about a month ago, and they’re not pulling out fur, like they should when they’re gonna have babies, they use it to make a nest for them I guess. But, I’ll just have to wait and see! And yes, I do hope this pet is a bunny. I could use another bunny in my Webkinz collection. But whatever it is, it sure does look cute!

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