Sneak Peek: Countdown to Christmas!


The countdown begins this Monday, December 14th!


Don’t forget to visit the SantaKinz Room in the Clubhouse every day starting on Monday, December 14th for 12 days of FREE GIFTS!


Just click on Ms. Birdy and she’ll give you one of the following festive prizes:





This great gift giveaway continues until Christmas Day, so make sure you visit Webkinz World every day!


Which gift is YOUR favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


108 Responses to Sneak Peek: Countdown to Christmas!

  1. zootzoot says:

    What great prizes!

  2. dibblerton says:

    Cool stuff! Thanks!

  3. TheMamaDragon says:

    Cute! I’m hoping the gingerbread house is a decoration rather than a food. It would be really adorable as either a tabletop centerpiece, fake food item, or full size like the cabins.

  4. starblossom10 says:

    Hi everyone if anyone can send me the snowman slippers I would be really happy. I will log in every day except for that Tuesday since I am going on a overnight field trip with my friends at school for 2 nights and 3 days.i am going to start packing today. Good luck everyone in collecting all the items

    • 4CheeseTortellini says:

      Hi, starblossom10! I’m happy to send you a pair of Snowman Slippers – Just leave me your WWID and I will send you a friend request from one of my side accounts :)

  5. bear10201 says:

    Love the gingerbread house and the plushy

  6. doingmydailies says:

    Awesome!!! 12 Days of Christmas is a super great event and the prizes this year are super cool!!! My favorites are the Yule Log Cabin Candle, the Candy Cane Wreath and the White Quilted Coat!!! I’m also super excited about the Bouncing Christmas Gift!!! I wonder what it’ll be!!! Any guesses???

  7. FennecFox says:

    These are adorable! Who agrees?

  8. chickenlittleROX says:

    Can hardly wait for Day 6! I love plushies:)

  9. fruitguy says:

    well webkinz these are awesome but i cant stand deluxe i need you to make no deluxe and estore point things are kinzcash

  10. tinygma says:

    I collect the lil gingerbread houses !! I have an ice rink with tables and chairs and like a gingerbread contest going on its cool. I have a wall full of WACKY Ice fridges with ice sofas in front !! Sounds strange but the WACKYS LOOK LIKE THEY GOT FROZE doing the wave and I can sit on the sofas and fill fridges it’s pretty cool no pun intended ;)

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