Sneak Peek: FREE Adventure Pack Giveaway May 11-17!


Time for another adventure in Webkinz World! When you log into Webkinz between May 11 and 17, 2020, a FREE Ghost Pirate Princess Re Park Quest Pack will be awarded to your Dock!


Drag your Adventure Backpack into your Pet’s room to unlock your Adventure Park Quest, then visit the Adventure Park to get started.


What IS the Ghost Pirate Princess Rescue?


Yikes! Salley wants you to help the Ghost Pirate find his long-lost love! It’s time to reunite this ghostly couple at last! If you can complete this quest you’ll earn an Ethereal Throne!

So remember, between May 11 and 17, 2020, log into your Webkinz account to get a FREE Ghost Pirate Princess Rescue Quest Pack added to your Dock! And there are lots more Adventure Packs to choose from at Ganz eStore!


Please note: If you are using the Webkinz Desktop App and you have multiple accounts, you will need to completely exit out of the app and relaunch it before switching accounts. If you simply log out and log back in again with a different account you won’t receive your gift. At that point you will need to open your alternate account(s) in a browser in order to get your gift.

46 Responses to Sneak Peek: FREE Adventure Pack Giveaway May 11-17!

  1. Sarahjk2567 says:

    Love that we’re getting Adventure Park Packs, the prizes are so fun!!! Thank you Ganz!!

  2. okira says:

    Thank you! Quests are fun!

  3. alienflowers says:

    SOOO excited to earn that prize!

  4. alucard says:

    This is awesome, but will you ever fix the first Adventure you gave us, last month I think? It seems a lot of players are stuck with two digs that won’t work. Is there something you can do to help us? A comment about it would be welcome. I think I can say that a lot of us hate being kept in the dark about things. Please, just let us know if you are working on fixing it or not. Thank you! :-)

  5. DestDest says:

    I would Love to see yall fix the glitch in the first bag you sent out before releasing another. I still am unable to dig in under ground rms room and i have been trying to contact yall since the day it was released. such a bad glitch figured yall would fix it by now. my webkinz name is DestDest

  6. foggy says:

    Ooh, love the throne. Thanks for the chance to participate in a quest.

  7. pudding says:

    awesome! Thank you Ganz!

  8. ianinlyheahruja says:

    Cool! I’m liking the prize!

  9. Avanator2009 says:

    How exciting, thank you!

  10. machaela says:

    Thanks team. I really enjoyed the last one.

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