Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!



From February 5 – 14, look for the floating Magic W on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to win a prize! There are ten prizes to collect, including the grand prize: a Sweetheart Flower Shop!



Free players are limited to two prizes a day, full three, and Deluxe players can collect up to four prizes a day. So, play every day for the best chance to win the grand prize!


Do you already own a Sweetheart Flower Shop? Let us know in the comment section below…


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16 Responses to Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!

  1. allybelle15 says:

    I loooove this flower shop! Sooo adorable!

  2. 3mabel says:

    I don’t have a Flower Shop so I’m really excited at this chance to win one! Thank you!

  3. huggywuggyy says:

    Great, now I am going to go mad trying to collect enough of the tiles to make a floor XD These items look so cute and I can’t wait to begin collecting

  4. mypaws says:

    I love the Magic W event! And all the prizes are so great, as usual. Thank you for offering another opportunity to earn the Flower Shop. It’s one of my favorite ‘buildings’ in WW, and I can’t wait to place it one of my outdoor streets.

  5. creek4kids says:

    super super cute

  6. mfaull says:

    Such fun things going on this month. Thank you.

  7. Twistersmom says:

    I have the shop, but the box of chocolates would be nice for my coffee shop. I have it set up for Valentines.

  8. MrsSDC says:

    This looks so fun! I hope I get a flower shop!

  9. pepsi4324 says:

    Wow! This is one of the first times that I really don’t like any of the prizes except for the plain black heart and the pink stool, which I guess I can use at a kitchen island or something. Am not even a fan of the grand prize. Oh, well I won’t be staying logged on for these.

  10. a5t says:

    Hey ganz! Seeing those treats and hoping they’re presentable decorations reminds me: could we get recipes to make presentable decorations of all the Birthday Cake variations? Having the blue one is awesome, but all the cakes are so iconic, perhaps we could get a recipe book for those?

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