SNEAK PEEK: March Employee of the Month Challenge!


The March Employee of the Month Challenge starts on TUESDAY, March 1st, and players who complete all 3 tasks will win a presentable Bag of Groceries to along with a NEW animated Checkout Counter!




Click on the Employee of the Month icon in your pet’s room to review your tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the challenge as some tasks may take some time to complete. The tasks in this challenge include:


  • Complete the Grocery Clerk job 4 times at the Employment Office
  • Spin the Wheel of Wow 3 times
  • Spend 50 KinzCash at the KinzStyle Outlet



What is YOUR favorite job in the Employment Office? Let us know in the comments below!



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27 Responses to SNEAK PEEK: March Employee of the Month Challenge!

  1. socer10 says:

    Ever since this challenge started, I’ve never gotten to the employment office when the grocery clerk job is there. I wish they would have it more often or always during this challenge.

  2. Marius8853 says:

    I was hoping the checkout counter would be kinzpostable – I have several accts and was hoping to move it all to one account and make a really super grocery store check out area. But it’s not so will just add to my stores I already have. Really cool item. Thanks, Ganz. .

  3. MaddogRocks1124 says:

    How can I do the Grocery Clerk when I’m a Free Player?

  4. ngeorgianow says:

    Very sorely disappointed in the trophy case. Splurged to use estore points for the deluxe game step, only to find that instead of displaying my trophies, (the amount of which would overflow a 10×10 room, hence my desire to have the case) it simply shows pre-chosen ones and holds a much smaller amount than the 25 it ‘displays’. Perhaps because I am busy, I evidently failed to research it sufficiently, but still. Was super excited about this and am now very disappointed :/

  5. Beckinz8 says:

    My favorite jobs are a tie between the Shoe Store Clerk and the Grocery Clerk. I learned the hard way to never do the Shoe Store job when I’m really tired, because I dozed off while playing the game and broke a REALLY long streak! LOL! Boy was I mad at myself! Am I the only player who has trouble knowing when I’ve had enough Webkinz for one day and when it’s actually time to hit the hay? LOL!

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