Sneak Peek: NEW 2015 Fall Fest Prizes!


Our annual Fall Fest is returning to Webkinz World September 25 – October 4th!


Look for floating leaves around Webkinz World! Click on a floating leaf and you’ll receive a prize! There will be several returning prizes from previous years–but first–here’s a sneak peek at the NEW prizes you might win!





Please note: you can win a maximum of 5 prizes per day, and leaves won’t appear in your pet’s room.



Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz on Saturday, September 19th for a look at the full pool of prizes you can win this year!



Which prizes are YOU most excited about this year? Let us know in the comments below!


108 Responses to Sneak Peek: NEW 2015 Fall Fest Prizes!

  1. SummerlynIsMe says:

    Im excited for the sugar maple tree and the paper pumpkins! They are so cool!

  2. shuggylay says:

    Wow! I can’t wait for Fall Fest this year! All of the new prizes look perfect for making my Webkinz a pumpkin patch! I must admit, though, that my favorite prizes are the Corn Husk Wacky Doll, the Quirky Paper Pumpkins, and the Potted Sugar Maple Tree. You’ve outdone yourself this year, GANZ! I absolutely LOVE the new prizes!

  3. sleepybadger says:

    I love every one of these! Hopefully I can get them all.

  4. lol12345 says:

    These new prizes are great! I especially love the wacky corn husk doll, the quirky paper pumpkins, and the rustic hay bale chair! I can’t wait until fall fest!!!!!!

  5. barb539 says:

    Oh my gosh, I must have all of them especially the Rustic Hay bale chair!! Thanks Ganz for making these awesome new prizes!

  6. bocquet says:

    I love the fall. The corn husk doll and the hay bale chair is my favorite. I hope I win them. Was also happy to see the fall colors on my webkinz tree top home.

  7. jewelov says:

    Yay! I love the new prizes. I always love the potted sugar maple trees! Cannot wait.

  8. TigerKinzKG says:

    Wow! i love the paper pumpkins and the corn husk wacky doll!

  9. bonesbongo says:

    All the prizes are great! My favourite would be the Potted Sugar Maple Tree, Rustic Hay Bale Chair, Fall Zip Toque and Quirky Paper Pumpkins.

  10. bullseyejingles444 says:

    Love the new toque, hay bale chair, and Maple tree! SOO Excited for FALL FEST!!! ♥♥♥ ☺§

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