Our annual Fall Fest is returning to Webkinz World September 25 – October 4th!
Look for floating leaves around Webkinz World! Click on a floating leaf and you’ll receive a prize! There will be several returning prizes from previous years–but first–here’s a sneak peek at the NEW prizes you might win!
Please note: you can win a maximum of 5 prizes per day, and leaves won’t appear in your pet’s room.
Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz on Saturday, September 19th for a look at the full pool of prizes you can win this year!
Which prizes are YOU most excited about this year? Let us know in the comments below!
Im excited for the sugar maple tree and the paper pumpkins! They are so cool!
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! I can’t wait for Fall Fest this year! All of the new prizes look perfect for making my Webkinz a pumpkin patch! I must admit, though, that my favorite prizes are the Corn Husk Wacky Doll, the Quirky Paper Pumpkins, and the Potted Sugar Maple Tree. You’ve outdone yourself this year, GANZ! I absolutely LOVE the new prizes!
I love every one of these! Hopefully I can get them all.
These new prizes are great! I especially love the wacky corn husk doll, the quirky paper pumpkins, and the rustic hay bale chair! I can’t wait until fall fest!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I must have all of them especially the Rustic Hay bale chair!! Thanks Ganz for making these awesome new prizes!
I love the fall. The corn husk doll and the hay bale chair is my favorite. I hope I win them. Was also happy to see the fall colors on my webkinz tree top home.
Mine too! Although I have to admit, that apple turnover looks pret-ty appetizing :P
yep Fracktail gotta love apple turnovers
I ate an apple turnover last night….
hi ArtMagician was your turnover yummy? are ya on my friend list? its some hard to keep track of people
Yes Oats, my turnover was very yummy. Also I am on your friends’ list; my user is Bobadil. ;)
LUCKYYYYY :D I had an apple pie today, but no turnovers, haha. Although apple pies are really good too. Apples+cinnamon stuff=amazing.
Agreeing to that equation, Fracktail. Guess I better turnover my math to yummy town. YES, PUN INTENDED. O_O
Those puns are apple-audable to the core! :D And what fun is math if it doesn’t involve food? That’s why they made pi. :P
HAHAHA!!!!!!! You’re so clever!!! I suppose I shouldn’t think these puns or so funny, but they are! So punny.
Thank you! And puns are always funny, and anyone who says otherwise is confusing “puns” with “that annoying feeling you get when there’s something stuck in your teeth.” As a wise person once said, puns are the highest form of humor. :P
@Fracktail, that is hilarious!
Thank you, haha! I’m glad I made you smile :D
Yay! I love the new prizes. I always love the potted sugar maple trees! Cannot wait.
Wow! i love the paper pumpkins and the corn husk wacky doll!
Hey! TigerKinz long time no see :P We should meet up in the park at some point! :) Also, Yess I love those pumpkins XD
All the prizes are great! My favourite would be the Potted Sugar Maple Tree, Rustic Hay Bale Chair, Fall Zip Toque and Quirky Paper Pumpkins.
I love all of them!!! It’s so great to see new prizes!!! My favorite one would be Rustic Hay Bale Chair, it’s really awesome!!! Can’t wait for Fall Fest!!! :) :D :)
Me too! I have the sweater that goes with the toque. Looks like a great Fall Fest.
Love the new toque, hay bale chair, and Maple tree! SOO Excited for FALL FEST!!! ♥♥♥ ☺§
I love ALL OF THEM!! Well, not really feeling that wacky doll though.
I love the corn husk Wacky doll. It will go nicely with my corn husk cow doll :D
Hehe I know which room the potted sugar maple tree is going in my Webkinz house. Woods is gonna love that XD
Oh yeah! My Luna would love more of a forest, I know. ;] Great prizes all around!
Nice prizes! Thanks, Ganz!
I want that hat and like six of those pretty trees! Awesome! Happy Autumn, everyone!
I love these too! I could really go for a bowl of the soup and an apple turnover atm lol.
The food looks great. But the prizes which you can put in your room are sepctac. Hey, I made a new thing up! Anyone want to elaborate on that? I mean you don’t have to say it all the time even though that would be spectac but still just something you may want to think about. ;)
Like it! The word spectac is spectac!
hi Lisamarie580 ya don’t like the wacky doll? I like the apple butter turnovers they look delish.
I love all of theme too, sooooooooo cute
I know right I am lovin’ the hay bale!!! <3 ~lovecats~
Awesome! Like the hat! Haven’t been on the Newz in forever!
I love ALL the prizes! Especially the toque! Soccer games were cancelled today :( And it was OPENING DAY! Double sadness :( :(
Welcome back! :) ☺§
Unofficial welcome back CaramelKisses33! I’ve missed caramel and kisses, especially the two of them together. Nice to see your name on the Newz again! “Sunshine in your day, from caramel kisses daze”…(singing)
Wow, these are great! That apple butter turnover looks so good :D
CORN HUSK WAKY DOLL!!!! i love corn husk dolls i have a real one on my shelf so this is too cool!!
LOVE the maple tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh no! the chipadea is planning another invasion!
YAY!!!!!!!! I love the fall fest!!! these prizes are amazing I love them! Especially the pumpkins, hay bale chair, and maple tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the hat was orange… Then… maybe just this once, I would change Woods’s outfit… Hm. Harvest Wings would be a cool prize for next years events. Fall colored wings that are slightly soft to the touch. Kinda feathery in other words.