Sneak Peek: New Exclusives Coming Soon!


Each time you adopt a new Webkinz pet, you’ll find a random Exclusive Item inside their gift box!  You can also earn an Exclusive Item by saving up your Wish Tokens and depositing them into the Wish Machine at the Wish Factory!


As of October 23rd, 2019, when you open your pet’s special gift box, you may just find one of these 3 NEW Exclusive Items inside: a Painted Glass Window, a Suitcase Side Table, or a Charming Patio Tile!


If you can’t wait for one of these new prizes and you’ve been saving up your Wish Tokens, you’ll also be able to pick them up at the Wish Factory!



If you missed out on a prize from one of our previous Collection Events, you will soon have a second chance to get it in the Wish Factory!


We are re-releasing 11 former Collection Event prizes as Wish Factory wishes. If you’ve been saving up your Wish Tokens, you’ll be able to pick them up at the Wish Factory on October 23, 2019!





To make room for the extra stock, we will also be retiring a couple of items. You’ll have until October 22nd to pick up the Haunted Painting and the Moon Rover before they are retired!





Which of these prizes are YOU hoping to pick up? Let us know in the comments below.


108 Responses to Sneak Peek: New Exclusives Coming Soon!

  1. akhoovewally says:

    The Campkinz pool is 300 tokens! Wasn’t that going to be reduced? It will take forever to get 300 and now we can’t get more when we sign out. Sorry–been meaning to ask…still love Webkinz!

  2. ulinchick says:

    I would love to be able to get the moon rover before it retires. I have enough tokens to get the moon rover. However, when I try and put one into the wish machine it just says “Please Wait …” I have been sitting here for 15 minutes and that’s it. Just “Please Wait …”, “Please Wait …”, “Please Wait …”, over and over and over. You should not take the items away until we have the opportunity to get the items. Please fix the wish machine!

  3. Ritzcracker says:

    I agree with other comments that it is too hard to collect tokens. Ever since the log out carnival was taken away, there are very few opportunities to actually earn them. You might get one or two a week from Token Balloon Darts or Wheel of Wishes, but that’s pretty much it if you’re not deluxe. Please either reduce the amount needed or give us more chances to collect them.

  4. 90skidzrule says:

    The haunted painting was one of my favorite exclusive items until after the Webkinz X update. When you placed it in your pet’s room, the eyes on the painting used to stare at the mouse cursor and no matter where you moved the cursor, the eyes would follow it. Now it just blinks

  5. ngeorgianow says:

    My thing is it takes FOREVER to put in every wish token :(

    • TheMamaDragon2 says:

      Tell me about it! Place… and *waiting waiting waiting*… repeat. A “deposit all wish tokens now” button or similar would be nice!

      • mycatsnores says:

        Mine, too, and it’s been that way for a long time. I put 3 in today and it’s taking 15 seconds to register after putting it in and a few times I’ve been kicked off while it’s doing this, losing the token. It also lags badly when you choose a prize.

    • Springshimmer says:

      Oof, yes sameee.. XP I have so many wish tokens so it’ll take me a long time to put them in. And yes, I would like to deposit all wish tokens as well! I feel like something like that would make it much easier.

    • slk says:

      Ganz needs to update their programming, it’s just awful. So OLD SCHOOL. And stingy stingy stingy. Most games are more than happy to dole out cool stuff, but not Ganz, they make it so hard to get anywhere in the game, especially with kinzcash. They act as if it comes out of their own pockets.

  6. ngeorgianow says:

    I really want the new floor tile, but i have all the re-released stuff.

  7. babytwinkleavfk says:

    I really need to get the wallpaper and flooring!!!

  8. alucard says:

    It seems that whoever makes these illogical value amounts for what some VIRTUAL item is worth, has lost their MIND! Are you kidding me? 70 Tokens for the MILK CAN? How can a MILK CAN be worth MORE than the Moon Rover? 70 for the MILK CAN and 10 Tokens for the Moon Rover that actual DOES something? Your pet can RIDE in it! The Milk Can just SITS there and does NOTHING! This, of course, is just an example of the “over the top” amount of Tokens that Webkinz is asking for on these “new, but not new” items! Yes, the prizes are nice. Many players will be happy to get the chance to use their Tokens for them. However….from 30 Tokens to 160 Tokens….NONE of those items are worth the amount of Tokens needed to get them! Even as a Deluxe Player, I find this very hard to understand. If you are going to make these items cost so much in Tokens, then you need to make sure ALL players, not just Deluxe players, can get more Tokens. Before I was a Deluxe Player, I seldom got a Token. It was so bad that I lost interest in collecting them. Please rethink the Token amounts. Please make it fair! Please make it “the right thing to do”!

    • mayzie says:

      I agree. I have been wondering about the amounts on all kind of items. The Halloween costumes cost thousands. Clothing items cost hundreds. How can children playing in Webkinz World afford those items. Why are a lot of the items so much? What is their reason for such high priced items?

  9. Mila14 says:

    I love all of these new exclusive items and ones from the collection events. I have 199 wish tokens and I have been saving them for the Oak Tree Gazebo or two of the Rocky Rope Bridges (to complete rooms I’ve started). When we had the log out carnival, I would win a wish token about every week and a half. Now, I am lucky to win one every month. This is torture! We need more ways to win wish tokens. Please!

    • SugarP says:

      Yeah, at least before there was the log out carnival but now even that’s gone too. I used to win a token at about the same pace, every week and a half. When you do the math that’s about 30 or so tokens per year.

  10. danielleigh611 says:

    need to make it easier for non deluxe players to get tokens… i havent got a token in years… :(

    • PorterTheDog says:

      Yeah, I never had deluxe membership and it is hard to get tokens, hopefully they make another way!

    • ImaPepper says:

      Make sure you are watching the video at the Movie Theater on your map. Every week the video changes, and there is one video featuring the Wish Factory… and the prize is a Wish Token. Or, at least, it has been every time I’ve seen it. Haven’t seen it in a while, sure hope it comes back soon. :-)

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