Sneak Peek: Snowball Collection Event Details & Prizes!

Snowballs are awesome, right? But did you know they’re good for more than just snowball fights?


Beginning January 18, collect Snowballs from different places in Webkinz World and you can win a beautiful grand prizes, plus lovely winter items along the way. Here’s how:


- Ask your friends for up to 10 a day (and receive up to 5)

- Find 1 free Snowball by clicking on the Snowball on your Map of Kinzville

- Receive 1 Snowball a day by visiting Webkinz Newz


Sound fun? Remember, if you want to get Snowballs faster, you can get them with eStore points, too!


But how about those prizes? Take a look below at what you can win!


A delicious Icicle Icing Cupcake…


A precious Snow Globe Hat


A pretty Magnolia Tree…


A comfy Snow Cushioned Bench…


And finally, the grand prize: a customizable Webkinz Willow Sapling! Drag and drop this sapling into your yard and decide how YOU want it to look! There are so many ways to transform this…



…into these, because you can combine tops, trucks and bases any way you like!








Remember, the Collection Event starts January 18 and runs until February 10. Good luck!

115 Responses to Sneak Peek: Snowball Collection Event Details & Prizes!

  1. dakeight says:

    I thought that we could play over again. I received my tree, but cannot start again to work towards a second tree.

  2. horse lover13 says:

    Maybe,I don’t know, you could give us a small hint?!!!!!!

  3. WolfSword19767 says:

    I love the willow!!! Thanks Ganz! mwah

  4. webkinz user says:

    i love the saplling i have 2 saplings

  5. KinzKount says:

    Love getting trees as prizes. More please!!!!

  6. Katie says:

    Don’t you think you should receive a limited time(maybe a month or two) of a deluxe membership when you buy a new pet? Some of us are buying new pets in stores, but do not want to buy a deluxe membership online. If they continue to make things require an additional paid membership they are going to have a lot of unhappy parents

  7. forestsprite says:

    I love when they use the saplings as prizes because they dont loose much value even when almost everyone gets them! And it’s super cool that you can customize the tree :)

  8. kathleen says:

    This is very cool Ganz. Thank you for letting everyone participate! I love my new tree!!!!!

  9. Lila says:

    I think the prizes are super cool!

  10. sahm2girls says:

    Something’s wrong with the collection event. The screen clearly states you can finish your collection and try again, but I just got my sapling and there is no way to start my collection over. Please fix this ASAP!!

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