Sneak Peek: Spring Celebration!



From March 18th – 27th, celebrate Spring in Webkinz World. There’s so much to do! Feed your pets Chocolate Eggs for prizes, pick up the new Spring Clothing Line at the KinzStyle Outlet and don’t forget to grab your Gift Basket and spin the Super Wheel on March 27th.


Click on a button below to learn more about Spring Celebration and see what you can win:







51 Responses to Sneak Peek: Spring Celebration!

  1. TsumTsumCrazy says:

    I am so exited! I love Easter in Webkinz world! Thanks Ganz! ;)

  2. goombob says:

    I’m hyped for Spring!

  3. nanakinz5 says:

    Will these spring events be available on mobile devices, too?

  4. lb1999 says:

    Hey Ganz! I just adopted a rocker kinz and was wondering what are the special benefits with having one. I thought there was a lot more than what I am getting, but maybe I am missing something? Please help thanks :-)

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Hey lb1999! I’m not Ganz, but I think I can answer your question. Each rockerz comes with the typical things you’d get from a Webkinz, such as a special food and item, but they also come with a Rockerz backstage pass (can be redeemed for a special item of your choice), and Rockerz backstage VIP pass (can be redeemed for an extra special item of your choice), and a box containing clothing pieces for that pets special outfit (it normally comes with 3 or so clothing pieces). So, in short, you get 3 special benefits with your rockerz pets. I hope I helped to answer some of your questions :)

    • momno1 says:

      My Rockerz Raccoon came with a special in-room challenge!

  5. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Thanks SO much for the Sneak Peeks! This year’s Spring Celebration will be awesome! ♥

  6. ilovemoonie says:

    By the way, did anybody notice that pink butterfly is in the picture? Theres TWO pink butterfly’s!! I guess their multiplying. ;)

  7. ilovemoonie says:

    Yay! This spring celebration is going to be awesome!! :D thanks Ganz!

  8. WebkinzTown says:

    These prizes are fantastic! Great job Webkinz!

  9. Hhayes says:

    Yes! Spring, my favorite season! :)

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