Sneak peek Webkinz Day Community challenge

Just because Webkinz Day is over, the party doesn’t have to end! That’s why this week from May 2 to May 6, we offering a special Webkinz Day Community Challenge! A Community Challenge is where Webkinz players work together to complete a goal!

If you reach that goal, you can claim your prize on Webkinz Newz the next day! And every day you get a prize just for participating!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Visit Webkinz Newz to get your Community Challenge for the day
  2. Work together with the Webkinz Community to reach your goal.
  3. Check Webkinz Newz the next day after 9:30am to see if you reached the goal.
  4. If you reached the goal you can collect a Community Code for your prize! But the Community Code is only up for one day so be sure to enter it in the Code Shop on!
  5. Get the new Community Challenge and start over again!


Good luck!!!

93 Responses to Sneak peek Webkinz Day Community challenge

  1. wilddfire says:

    Heey wait a min. the 4 and the 6th are mixed up. which one do we do and when??? Help please..

  2. Twistersmom says:

    I have a question the prizes they show for May 4th and May 6th don’t match what they say they are. Are the picture are switched.?

  3. MisakiKt says:

    YES!!! ANOTHER CHALLENGE! OMG- I can’t wait to get the after party booth, wacky tower of kinzville and TOTTALY the KinzCoaster!!! #Let’sDoItAsATeam

  4. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Community Challenges are so much fun, and the prizes are awesome! Can hardly wait to start – Thanks so much! Good luck, everyone :o)

  5. 13munchie says:

    Is it just me, or are the pictures for May 4th and May 6th switched??

  6. meEcho22 says:

    may 6 and 4 are mixed up

  7. wilddfire says:

    netge. look them up on your kinz phone., just go to add a friend and type their name when you find them click add.

  8. megamom12 says:

    Another car! Yeah!

  9. FoxesRule612 says:

    Cool prizes! My favorites are the pool and the coaster! =^^=

  10. netge says:

    I tried to send a letter to Mr Moo and Doug the Dog, but they weren’t options on the Kinzpost list, so I couldn’t send them. I want to add them to my friends list. How do I do it?

    • mommyocam says:

      You have to find Mr Moo in the park and buy an ice cream cone from him, and Doug the Dog in his room in the clubhouse and trade a gem with him. They aren’t always there, so it may take a little time to make friends with them.

    • starblossom10 says:

      Hey netge! To add them to your friends list u just have to click on the phone at the top of ur room, click the on button, then click the button with the happy face and the plus sign and add their names. They will respond almost instantly because they are hosts. Hope this helps!

    • Peanut18 says:

      If you go to your phone, look for a face with a plus symbol next to it. Click on it and in the box type “Mr. Moo”; then click add. Then in the box type “Doug the Dog” and click add. This worked for me and was way easier than trading gems or buying ice cream. Hope this helps!

    • megamom12 says:

      You have to buy ice cream from Mr. Moo, and do a gem trade with Doug the Dog. You will then get a prompt to add them to your friends list. Just like when you picked up the free item from Sophie and the food from Daisy.

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Hi megamom12! I go see Daisy Doe almost every day for some free healthy food (sometimes I even wash her dishes!), but she has not yet offered to be added to my friend list. Do you know if I’m doing something wrong? If someone has any advice, please feel free to share. :) (I already added Doug and Sophie, and have had bad luck finding Mr. Moo so far.)

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