ATTENTION ALL SNOW LEOPARD OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made, making it a collector’s item! If you own this cool cat, visit the Today’s Activities section on Webkinz THIS weekend to play a mini game on Saturday and get a FREE Webkinz Wool Cap on Sunday! Show off your retired Webkinz in the Kinzville Park, Adventure Park and the Clubhouse and prove you are a proud pet owner!
I’m so sad I’m like a river after a rain of tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was a quote from the tv show austin & ally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dang it I really wanted one I WAS saving up my ganzestore points to buy one but now they are retired WE WILL ALL MISS YOU SNOW LEPORED!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can buy it in the E-store all this week if you have he points.-Atom
Well hopefully the pet owners will get the item because i got the dragon this past weekend but it wouldn’t let me collect the tapstry on sunday cause it said collectors of the artic polar bear..
They are going to do this on the 26th instead due to a programming error. So you will get it then if you are able to log on that day.
Awwww! Goodbye snow leopard! I’ll miss you! :( ~pineapplefun
Nooo!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted this one so bad. :( ~SS
me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AWW we r gonna miss the snow leopard :(
please stay snow leopard
It can’t it is already retired. Maybe they will make a new leopard soon? -Atom
All good thing must come and go, here’s another Webkinz that this leaving. How many other Webkinz are retiring, this is the 20th Webkinz retired (so far). If only Ganz can tell us how many more. Congrats to all those who have one. ($20.00 on Amazon).
I know I want one badly and its 20 bucks for one wick they would tell us a month before they retire or something so we could try to get one
Wow just a FREE wool cap. That isn’t that great of a prize. Unless it is priceless or old or something. Isn’t that Kinzstyle Shop one for all members? -Atom
No it’s not but it should be! I really wanted that but now i can’t get it.
I agree, if you have the retiring pet (I love my snow leopard) then the prize should be something really cool that is hard to find. Not a spin on a wheel or clothing I can buy.
I personally wanted the snow leopard for a long time. However I didn’t want to pay $25+ when I looked at it in June. If I saw it at Big Lots for $5 it would be definite, even Target at $12. Now maybe I can get it if I got to Thrift Shop? I like the couch. The leopard is really cute. This is one of the first pets I could actually see selling out. Who agrees with me? I think Ganz should retire ones like Charcoal Cat or Frog or Mud Hippo. Those are only cheep because they have been around since like 2006 and 2007. I got my mud hippo for $2 at Wallgreens as they were desperate to sell that shipment.-Atom
Yes I totally agree. They should retire the ones that people don’t want! I think they should retire a frog because they’ve had frogs forever.
I am not saying don’t want. I have all 3 of those and they are cute. My point is they are retiring the 2010-11 ones. What about some 2005-06-07 ones? They don’t even sell the ones they are retiring anywhere but Amazon, at least near where I live. I agree maybe retire the original frog? -Atom
wow I wanted this one too and I wish I found it for cheep and I agree that they should retire some others as well
I agree
Well I sort of agree, but the charcoal cat is really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ganz why are you retiring animals I really wanted that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bgos, the charcoal cat is cute, I have one! :) I am just saying that they should retire some cheaper pets that have been around awhile or in many stores selling for $5 or less because they want to sell out the shipment. This would give more people a chance to get a retired pet that they want. -Atom
well ganz wants you to buy the new one when they are about to retire because they sell for more money I do really like this one to though…. but that dose means something good though MORE NEW PETS YAY!