ATTENTION ALL SNOW LEOPARD OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made, making it a collector’s item! If you own this cool cat, visit the Today’s Activities section on Webkinz THIS weekend to play a mini game on Saturday and get a FREE Webkinz Wool Cap on Sunday! Show off your retired Webkinz in the Kinzville Park, Adventure Park and the Clubhouse and prove you are a proud pet owner!
What?! I wanted one!
I hate it that she is gone! I really want her, but she is not at the estore! Friend me princesskitty0608. -itsadventuretime23
Hi, if anyone is deluxe, could you please send enchanted train station themed items to me? My username is piggysix. I will repay you with kinzcash and items!!! :)
A wool hat? Surely you can do better than that but at least make sure it works.
Ganz need to retier ones that are RELLY OLD!!!!!
this pet is so cute! to bad it is retired. so sad!
I really wanted this pet!!!!!!!