Special Report with Michael Webkinz


Hello Webkinz Newz readers, Michael Webkinz here with a special report…



The Webkinz Rockerz are a special line of Webkinz pets that come with some pretty special bonus adoption gifts!


There are 16 Webkinz Rockerz pets to collect:



When you drag a Rockerz gift box into your room, you’ll unlock an Exclusive item and a Rockerz themed item and food for your pet, but you’ll also unlock a special Rockerz outfit AND 2 backstage passes that you can trade for prizes!



If it is your first time adopting a Rockerz pet, you’ll have to complete a quick challenge in order to earn your backstage passes but, after your second Rockerz pet adoption, they’ll be automatically added to your Dock after you open your pet’s gift box.


There are 2 different passes that you’ll get: There’s a regular pass and a VIP backstage pass. Dragging a pass into your pet’s room will allow you to trade it for a Rockerz themed prize of your choice. Here’s a look at the regular backstage pass prizes:



The prizes that you can choose from for dragging a VIP pass into your pet’s room are extra special and most of them are animated. Here’s a look at what you can win:



As I mention earlier, you can pick the prize that you want! Drag a backstage pass into you pet’s room to trigger the window that allows you to choose your prize. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the prizes and click on the one you want added to your Dock:



SPOILER ALERT: Deluxe players will be awarded 2 backstage passes (a regular pass AND a VIP pass) for completing March’s Deluxe Monthly Challenge! Not a Deluxe Member? Join before the end of March to play next month’s Deluxe Challenge.


Can’t wait until March? All 16 Rockerz pets are available in the W-Shop. You’ll find them in the PETS section of the shop:



Finally, here’s a look at some Rockerz room designs that were made with Backstage Pass prizes:






Do you own a Rockerz pet? What is your favorite backstage pass prize? Let us know in the comments section below.


This has been Michael Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz…


61 Responses to Special Report with Michael Webkinz

  1. 1Emerald1 says:

    Awesome report, Michael! Rockerz pets are so much fun, and thanks for showing us all the cool prizes and special items, I’d never seen some of them before, and new stuff is always exciting! Did you know I sometimes choose my pets not just for the animals themselves, but for the PSI and gifts that come with them! One of my fondest Webkinz Wishes is that ganz will make plushies of all the Rockerz pets. Most of all, I want to tell DWK, @ARKKINZ, LOLLYLULLY and @TREXJT2013 this: Your rockerz rooms are awesome wicked cool, as we used to say! Seriously, people, your designs are excellent and I’m so glad Michael featured them for us all to see! Downright inspiring. Congrats to you all!

    • TropicalGirl says:

      1Emerald1, I definitely choose my pets based on their psi, and have sometimes passed on really cute pets because their psi was…meh. I’ve never had any Rockerz pets, but seeing the cool rooms Michael has featured makes me really excited to explore that part of WW.

  2. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    I only have the bulldog (Rocky) and the papillon is adorable! I kind of prefer regular Webkinz, however this was a very creative idea! I actually made my own line of Rockerz once (a long time ago) and I made my own line of Webkinz: Famekinz. Maybe Famekinz will be real some day ;) They are basically Rockerz, but based off of things you would associate with fame (I guess), for example, I made a Red Carpet Retriever (darkish red all over the body and, like the St. Pat’s Setter, the other fur on the stomach and bottom of the tail [same color as the rest of the body] with gold streaks. Sorry if this is a long comment, I just hope that maybe (just maybe) my ideas will actually be made some day. I overflowed the Make Suggestions forum, and I’m still hoping that at least one of my idea gets made!

  3. trexjt2013 says:

    Hey Michael, Great Report!!! I so forgot that I sent that Room Design to you until I got to the end. What a shocker. I went back to that same room to see the differences and the room has evolved even more. I added my Punky Monkey Mosh Pit, Laser Light Show, Rockerz Fireworkz, two Stage Light Lamps and some Stadium Speakers. I never knew there are 16 Rockerz!!! Wow I must get busy on adding to my collection of 5 currently. I think my favorite so far is the Country Star Horse. I have their PSI, the Jamboree Stage in my Barn House Hoe Down Room. Well thanks again for the Post. I really got to get on the ball and send a few more of my Current Room Designs.

  4. FoxesRule612 says:

    Ooh! These are some neat prizes! Unfortunately, I’m not a huge fan of this pet line, but my favorites are the Rockerz Fox, Cow, and Coyote. I do appreciate the Rockerz line, but I like the Signatures a bit better.

    • animalsmatter1 says:

      I love the Signature Pets, too, FoxesRule612. And also, the Endangered Signatures. They were gorgeous plushies. I was so sad Ganz stopped making them, but it’s nice some of the the virtual pets are still available at the e-store. I recently ordered a Signature Arctic Hare from Amazon, for my Webkinz plushy collection. I had one, but I had given it away, and months later, decided I had to have one for myself. lol

      • FoxesRule612 says:

        Yeah, I really wish I would’ve gotten some before they retired. I never realized their worth until 2014! Wow, awesome! Enjoy your new Arctic Hare! =^^=

        • animalsmatter1 says:

          Aw, thank you so much, FoxesRule612! That’s so sweet. Yes, I’m pretty excited about receiving my plushy. I’m hoping it will arrive tomorrow. I agree with you: the prices Signatures are now commanding are staggering. I do have a limit on what I’ll spend. There are certain signatures I actually still do not have…but i keep looking and I’m very patient. Eventually, I hope to fill out my entire collection. I have a ridiculously large collection of Ganz plushies. Acquired over about 11 years. I don’t always adopt them…..(I’m a bit of an oddball..I have only about 50 pets on my accounts now, and can you believe I actually worry about ‘taking care’ of them? lol) But Webkinz is just so much fun. And I believe it’s good for the soul!

  5. dixiecup says:

    I picked up some of the Rocker’s petz during the Black Friday Door Crasher hourly sales. The cool thing is that also come with a Challenge to complete. I got my first Rockerz pet from the New Players pet package at the eStore, now they don’t have those any more. Are they going to make New ‘New player’ pet packages? I hope so, I’ve given a few as gifts and they have been so appreciated.

  6. greencar says:

    Never new there were 16 rockers? And these are the first rocker room designs I’ve seen. WOW!! a whole new webkinz world for me! Awesome!

    • animalsmatter1 says:

      I know, right?! I was thinking the same thing, greencar: “a whole new webkinz world” for me to explore, as well. These pets are adorable! The prizes are so unique and well-designed. (The Webkinz Paws Hall of Fame is hysterical!) Thanks for this special report, Michael. For some reason, I never really paid much attention to the Rockerz, and now I’m actually thinking about starting a new account for them! lol. Congratulations to all the room designers featured in this special report–gorgeous rooms!

  7. EmeraldCity says:

    Kewel! I only have like a third of all those items. Those rooms are way better than my Rockerz rooms, great collections shown here!

  8. poofmon says:

    The Rockerz are some of my favorite Webkinz designs ever! I have the Fox, Puppy, Poodle, Bunny, Bull Dog and two Raccoons. My best friend owns a Monkey and a Zebra. My favorite backstage pass prize is the stadium flooring and my favorite VIP prize is the lighting backdrop. I’m so excite for the March deluxe challenge. Thanks for the spoiler, Micheal. Great report!

  9. BH1464 says:

    I have all 16 of the Webkinz Rockerz pets! I’ve only put two of them on my account so far. Eventually they’ll all be there. Can’t say what my favorite Back Stage Prize is though. It’s too hard to choose just one.

  10. cat2f says:

    I love rockerz! Why did you stop making them? I only have the rockerz fox, Rocky! I love all of the items that u can get!

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