Special Report With Sally Webkinz



While summer isn’t officially here, things are definitely sunnier! This time, I’m going to be looking at Sunflower foods. Check them out!



I think I could go for a Sunflower and Spice Muffin right about now. What looks most appealing to you? Let me know if I missed any sunflower foods!



32 Responses to Special Report With Sally Webkinz

  1. harevister1 says:

    The candy coated sunflower seeds, Sunflower and spice muffin, and Lemon Sundrops all look like they would be good.

  2. babytwinkleavfk says:

    These all look so good! I wish i could try at least one of each of them.

  3. mirforbjs says:

    I love sunflowers! These look so yummy!!

  4. kinzklipfan says:

    I agree, the Sunflower and Spice Muffins look particularly good :)

  5. Alphaowlbear says:

    The lemon sundrops look so pretty – I’d love to taste one or two or ten.

  6. Morningdew12 says:

    The sunflower seed sorbet would be perfect for my ice cream collection!

  7. lilstinky says:

    Hey, Sally Webkinz – how do I get the BBQ sunflower seeds and savory sunflower seeds? I thought they had something to do with the salt & pepper seeds. Thank you!

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      There’s a chance to win the BBQ sunflower seeds by eating the Salt & Pepper sunflower seeds. Savory Sunflower Seeds are the Earthly Fox’s PSF

      • Dolan says:

        Thanks for telling us about the BBQ sunflower seeds! I have had the Salt and Pepper seeds since they were released and have never seen them.

      • Wizardmice says:

        There are salt and pepper seeds?!!!

        • Wizardmice says:

          Wait, never mind. Doy. I see now. I mean, I saw they existed as a food, yet managed to read this conversation as seeds for growing…well anyway. I found the dispenser info, and know from when they came now. Hope that dispenser is back this fall. Also maybe I can get my reading comprehension to a shop for repairs. Sadly no longer under warranty though.

      • 7debbie7 says:

        Thanks For Letting Us Know How To Get The BBQ Sunflower Seeds…So Thoughtful Of You!

  8. Beckinz8 says:

    The sunflower seed soup looks beautiful, and interesting. I wish that I could try it in real life. I may just have to get a canary because the soup is it’s PSF. ;-)

    • Wizardmice says:

      Search sunflower seed soup, Beckinz8. There are a ton of recipes, and some of them looked like even I might try them, and like Mikey, I hate everything.

  9. SunVibes says:

    Candy coated! Wish I could get them in real life!

    • bertnelson says:

      You can! They are covered with chocolate and a thin hard coating—-like an M&M. Walgreens carried some at Easter time, and also check at Christmas. World Market has them all year.

  10. WindyCityGirl says:

    Ooo, hands down BBQ sunflower seeds!!

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