While summer isn’t officially here, things are definitely sunnier! This time, I’m going to be looking at Sunflower foods. Check them out!
- Candy Coated Sunflower Seeds
- Savory Sunflower Seeds
- Salt and Pepper Sunflower Seeds
- Sunflower and Spice Muffin
- Lemon Sundrops
- Sunflower Seeds
- Sunflower Seed Soup
- BBQ Sunflower Seeds
- Sunflower Seed Sorbet
I think I could go for a Sunflower and Spice Muffin right about now. What looks most appealing to you? Let me know if I missed any sunflower foods!
The candy coated sunflower seeds, Sunflower and spice muffin, and Lemon Sundrops all look like they would be good.
These all look so good! I wish i could try at least one of each of them.
I love sunflowers! These look so yummy!!
I agree, the Sunflower and Spice Muffins look particularly good :)
The lemon sundrops look so pretty – I’d love to taste one or two or ten.
The sunflower seed sorbet would be perfect for my ice cream collection!
Hey, Sally Webkinz – how do I get the BBQ sunflower seeds and savory sunflower seeds? I thought they had something to do with the salt & pepper seeds. Thank you!
There’s a chance to win the BBQ sunflower seeds by eating the Salt & Pepper sunflower seeds. Savory Sunflower Seeds are the Earthly Fox’s PSF
Thanks for telling us about the BBQ sunflower seeds! I have had the Salt and Pepper seeds since they were released and have never seen them.
There are salt and pepper seeds?!!!
Wait, never mind. Doy. I see now. I mean, I saw they existed as a food, yet managed to read this conversation as seeds for growing…well anyway. I found the dispenser info, and know from when they came now. Hope that dispenser is back this fall. Also maybe I can get my reading comprehension to a shop for repairs. Sadly no longer under warranty though.
whence* Giving up on communicating now. Clearly not my thing today.
Thanks For Letting Us Know How To Get The BBQ Sunflower Seeds…So Thoughtful Of You!
The sunflower seed soup looks beautiful, and interesting. I wish that I could try it in real life. I may just have to get a canary because the soup is it’s PSF. ;-)
Search sunflower seed soup, Beckinz8. There are a ton of recipes, and some of them looked like even I might try them, and like Mikey, I hate everything.
Candy coated! Wish I could get them in real life!
You can! They are covered with chocolate and a thin hard coating—-like an M&M. Walgreens carried some at Easter time, and also check at Christmas. World Market has them all year.
Ooo, hands down BBQ sunflower seeds!!