Special Report With Sally Webkinz


Time for another look at food, and this time I’m looking at the ultimate summertime refreshment, Lemonade! (This was by request — shout out to Lemmie!) Now there aren’t too many, but they do look tasty!



Which is your favorite? I’m leaning towards Lavender Lemonade… refreshing AND relaxing!

63 Responses to Special Report With Sally Webkinz

  1. flyinghorse3 says:

    All of them! But the Fizzy Lemonade looks the best. . .

  2. emster7 says:

    The Pink and Lively almost look the same. The fizzy looks amazing – so pretty! Wish I knew where to get these!

    • kidzrock137 says:

      I am not exactly sure why the pink and lively lemonade look the same. The pink lemonade can be found in the wshop (where it is pink, not yellow in color), the lively lemonade is produced through a dispenser known as the lemonade maker, the lightning lemonade is a food specific to the Firefly, the lavender lemonade is produced through a dispenser known as the lavender patio plant, and the fizzy lemonade is a food specific to the Rainbow Sparkle Fawn. I hope this helps.

  3. mochidochi says:

    Can you tell us more about these? Are they recipes?

  4. ojibwa says:

    I didn’t know these existed either! Are they recipes? And don’t forget the pitcher of lemonade that is placeable!

  5. yestrada says:

    Fizzy Lemonade

  6. malunatic says:

    I like the Lavender and the Fizzy Lemonades they are soo pretty and delicious looking :)

  7. Dr Quack Fan says:


  8. bonesbongo says:

    I would love to try the Fizzy Lemonade. How do you get that is it a pet PFI? The Lavender Lemonade would probably taste pretty good.

  9. DayTripper says:

    Toss up between the Fizzy Lemonade and the Lavender Lemonade. I enjoy drinking lemonade, would love to try each one.

  10. princesspuppy5555 says:

    oh my! i didnt even know some of these existed. can anyone tell me more about the lavender lemonade? it looks absolutely scrumptious!!

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