Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Hi everyone, Steve Webkinz here. In case you missed it, we recently announced that we will be releasing a NEW version of the previously-planned Webkinz Desktop App.



After our initial announcement, our players understandably had some questions. I will try to answer some of those questions the best that I can, here.



Q: Is the Webkinz desktop app a new version of Webkinz?


A: No. The Webkinz desktop app is only a new “gateway” to access your current Webkinz account. Instead of using a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, or Safari to log in, you will instead be able to install the app and then use it to connect over the internet to your Webkinz account.



Q: If Flash is going away in 2020, how will Webkinz still work if it is still using Flash?


A: Flash isn’t completely “going away” in 2020; web browsers just won’t support it after that date. The new Webkinz desktop app replaces the need to use a web browser in order to access your Webkinz account. It is designed to run the Flash programming used for Webkinz.



Q: How do I get the Webkinz desktop app (or Flash) onto my computer once it’s released?


A: Once it is released, you will be able to find a direct link to download the desktop app from the homepage of Webkinz.com. If you require Flash player to be installed on your computer, we will also be providing a link to a verified publisher.



Q: Can the Webkinz desktop app be used on a mobile device like a tablet or phone?


A: No, you will still need the Webkinz mobile app to access your Webkinz account on mobile devices.  The desktop app will work on desktop or laptop computers running Windows 7,8 and 10, and eventually with MacOS.



Q: When will the Windows and MacOS versions be released?


A: There will be a “closed beta” (i.e., testing by a few hand-picked players) for the Windows version in a couple of weeks. The MacOS beta for the Webkinz desktop app should start a few weeks after the Windows beta, so both versions will be up and running long before Flash is blocked from web browsers.



Q: Will the desktop app also be made available for computers running other operating systems, like my Chromebook?


A: Once the Windows and MacOS versions are released, we will review what other operating systems are in use by our players. We will make a decision about creating additional versions once that investigation is complete.



Q: Will you still be adding new features from Webkinz to the mobile app?


A: Our immediate plans include adding more games to the mobile arcade and to continue working on minor bug and feature fixes. Once we have fully transitioned to the desktop app, we will review all of our properties before determining any further future plans.



Q: Will I be able to run multiple accounts at the same time on the same computer using the desktop app?


A: No. The desktop runs in a single account in full-screen mode.



Q: Will the layout for the Webkinz desktop app look the same as the current version of Webkinz.com?


A: The gameplay area screen layout will look exactly the same. The only difference is that it will now take up the full screen, as we will be removing the outer frame where we currently display ads.



Q: Will I still be able to use Webkinz.com, WebkinzNewz.com and GanzeStore.com?


A: Webkinz Newz and the Ganz eStore websites do not use Flash, so they are not affected by the change by web browsers in 2020. For Webkinz.com, only the game itself runs on Flash. The homepage and its linked pages do not run on Flash, so those parts of Webkinz.com will essentially remain the same.



Q: Will the new Webkinz Desktop App include Mazin’ Hamsters?


A: No. The desktop app only runs Flash. It cannot run Unity 3D, the programming that was used to create Mazin’ Hamsters.



Q: Can I request to join the beta testers for the new Webkinz desktop app?


A: While we have already selected a few initial players to test out the Webkinz desktop app, you can always request to join the beta by sending an email to: ganzworldsupport@ganz.com, but do not expect a reply unless we decide to expand the number of beta testers. Also, please DO NOT send a request to join the beta to Webkinz Customer Support to avoid clogging up the pipeline of people requesting technical help.





This has been Steve Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz! Do you have any other questions about the Webkinz desktop app? And what would you like me to report on next?Let me know in the comments below.


121 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. nettne2 says:

    thanks for the update. sounds great

  2. JulieKeen says:

    Will there be a lag between the time the new format goes live and the time the old website goes down? I have a Mac, so I want to be sure I don’t have a waiting period between closing and reopening. I’d hate to miss out on stuff! thank you!

    • Steve Webkinz says:

      As I already stated in my FAQ, both the Windows and Mac desktop apps will be up and running long before Flash is blocked from web browsers–so, NO–there won’t be any lag.

  3. kookie472 says:

    to ldaycayte; it is easy to change the size of the page; go to the right upper corner; the 3 dots. click on the dots, halfway down is zoom. you can go bigger or smaller.

  4. kookie472 says:

    i really like the ads at the side from eganz store. how will we get them then ?

  5. ladycayte says:

    Sounds good! I know you guys have been putting in hard work on all this, and I want to thank you for ensuring Webkinz will stay around!!!! The one thing I don’t like hearing is that it will be full screen only, and really hope you will revisit this. I have a large screen desktop computer – it’s great for watching movies, but having Webkinz on it full screen is completely overwhelming :-( ****PLEASE**** reconsider the full screen thing and let us be able to resize the window??????????

    • OfficialSassy says:

      I agree! I have a 2k display and I often mute Webkinz and watch movies while I play. It’ll be nice to have fullscreen for recordings, but for whenever I’m playing casually, windowed is my preferred option.

  6. alucard says:

    Thank you for this update, Steve Webkinz! I’m excited about being able to play on Webkinz by using the desktop app on my computer (Windows 10). I play the mobile game on my Apple iPad and my Samsung cell phone. Screens are small, but at least I can play games and use the WShop when needed. Reading some of the info about Chromebooks makes me want to check in to getting one. It’s been years since I’ve had a laptop, so it might be a good time to think about getting a Chromebook, now that we will have a desktop app. I know that there will be ads, like in the “Watch & Win” Room, but I truly truly hope you will not overwhelm us with ads when we try and play in our rooms and in the Arcade. I would pay not to have ads at all! :-) Anyway, many Thanks to you and Team Webkinz, who are working so hard to make this happen! You guys ROCK! :-)

    • motherk says:

      Surely Deluxe membership will ensure we will not be bombarded with ads, at least I certainly expect that. I am hopeful with the new launch some of the animation could return to items that are supposed to be animated and have stopped working. There’s a lot of them.

  7. Mom_of_Two says:

    Steve mentioned that the estore doesn’t use flash – I disagree. There are some items that require flash in order to see the pictures of what the item is. Will these pictures be fixed so that flash won’t be needed at all for the estore?

    • Steve Webkinz says:

      Yes, there is still a small handful of animated item preview images that use Flash on the Ganz eStore. We have a list of those select files and are currently converting them to a different format. But the Ganz eStore site itself is not based in Flash.

      • gmatiny says:

        FireFox half of EStore won’t load and right side items can’t be seen or used you cant SEARCH on FireFox. Chrome works better but I couldnt transfer POINTS the past few days no matter how much clearing history and cash

    • KSC says:

      Good point, Mom_of_Two! Thanks for clarifying, Steve!

  8. megamom12 says:

    So…from the sound of it I will be downloading a separate ‘launcher’ like I have for my online game. I think that I can manage that! Here’s to the future and thank you for staying ahead of the curve as the technology changes. I’m wondering if you had any idea that the site would get this big or advanced! Say, I’m wondering if we will still be able to acquire the ‘Adds On’ prizes. I like to get them whenever we are doing add on events in the park and I already have the add blocker off. I really like several of the clothing pieces and I would like to try to get more of the student computer desks.

  9. Katz1259 says:

    Well I for one am very excited to get the new app downloaded and start playing! I am curious what you will do with the ads. I understand that you need the 3rd party ads to help pay for the game, just like in most other online games. *jumps up and down waving her arms so Steve sees her* *batting her eyelashes and smiling she says “pick me! pick me!”* lol ….. *sigh, sure hope I get picked for testing the beta!*

  10. makeupcool13 says:

    Cool! I cant WAIT to download it! This will be VERY helpful!

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