Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Steve Webkinz here! As a sort of continuation of my previous Special Report about the Webkinz mobile app, here’s a look at what’s been updated and added to our list of Webkinz arcade games!





As part of our efforts to move more of Webkinz onto a new code base and have it run on mobile devices, Ganz has been working with a 3rd party company to help update many of our classic arcade games, while also adding some fun new ones!


When the Webkinz mobile app launched in 2013, there were very few games in its arcade. We only had Crafty Canaries, Goober’s Atomic Adventure, Hoppy Little Rocketship, and a mobile version of the Wheel of Wow for people to play.



Since then, we’ve updated and added a few classics to the mobile arcade, which were then also updated on Webkinz.com, including: Atlantiles, Cash Cow, and Polar Plunge!



We’ve also added a whole bunch of NEW games that are quickly becoming just as popular, including: Dogbeard’s Gold, Hatch the Dragon, Jumbleberry Blast, Ms. Cowoline’s Rollcall, and Pet Party Parade!





The good news is that we have several more games in the production pipeline, including more updates to current classics, along with more NEW games that are going to be tons of fun!


Our next game is another new one, arriving on February 14th! Here’s a sneak peek at what it looks like:





Keep watching Webkinz Newz in the coming weeks for the official announcement about this fun NEW arcade game!


This has been Steve Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz! What are some of your favorite new games in the mobile arcade, and which classic Webkinz ones would you most want to have added? Let me know in the comments below.


57 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. oozydoozy says:

    this is one of my favorite games in the world it is really fun and there is lots of games and fun stuf to do in webkinz world and i love it!

  2. oozydoozy says:

    I love your information on webkinz news it is so interesting !

  3. puppies4me says:

    Hi Steve, I’m glad to hear from you! My favorites are Jumbleberry Blast and Ms. Cowline’s Roll Call and Pet Party Parade. (Could someone please tell me what these little pets say as they slip off the screen?) My grandson and I picked our top 3 favorites we really want to see added (or keep) are Jumbleberry Fields, Spree, and Zacky’s Quest. Webkinz will not be the same for him without Spree! He will play it on all my accounts, logging on one right after the other!

  4. EmeraldCity says:

    Steve, I thought you had Smoothie Moves in 2013/14 on Mobile as well? I used to play it all the time, what happened to it? I would always get a better score playing that on mobile app than on the pc. Thanks for the update!

  5. gml1939 says:

    Usually I don’t do games except to complete the challenges. I do the Daily ones of course, and I love the word games. Am proud to say I even earned an Eager Beaver Trophy! But I have cast my vote of confidence for the Ganz and Webkinz teams to have us ready for 2020 by opening a new account. I was surprised to see that my free pet came with a completely furnished room (medium). I had the choice of 3 different rooms. So often I only gripe about the bad changes and things not working. But I started thinking of all the good changes since I joined Webkinz 10 years ago. I love the gardens now. No more digging up dead plants and starting over. I love the way we can instantly find a pet just by typing in its name! The Dock is so much better though it does still need work. Sending packages thru Kinzpost now is great, and a record is kept showing who sent what. I’m sure there are many things I’ve gotten used to and have forgotten how much easier it is now. Though I still mourn the loss of working TV’s, I’m glad Webkinz is such a joy and hope we always have it. Thanks to everyone who keeps it going! One other thing regarding the requests to have the pets walk upright. If ever that is done, I beg you, please, make it an option and not a complete change. What I like about Webkinz is that they are little animals, not humans.

    • puppies4me says:

      Yes, I agree, gml1939. That suggestion came from me, and I definitely meant it as an option. I actually think the pets are adorable as they are. Sometimes I just get frustrated that they can never look like the news staff or the pets in all the opening pages. Maybe the staff and the opening pages pets could walk like real animals and have clothing designed and modeled for pets in normal animal poses. (I don’t really think that idea, or my original suggestion, will go far anyway. LOL. I think I’m the only one who has ever mentioned clothing on their pet not looking like it does on Mandy or Michael or …) My 4-yr-old grandson informed me that “our pets don’t even have to wear clothes. Animals don’t wear clothes, Nana!” (He does like dressing his pets, lol, especially for holidays.) BTW. I also strongly agree about the gardens! Oh my, I remember having to visit all my gardens and spend so much tedious time tending them. What relief it was when then changed!

  6. nanakinz5 says:

    Great! I recently downloaded the Webkinz app onto my tablet, and I’m so glad I did! :)

  7. tink1706 says:

    Steve when they change the game over will you all be here and on here and Facebook to help us ?

  8. StephanieB says:

    This new game looks fun :)

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