Spin the Super Wheel Christmas Day!


Don’t forget to visit Today’s Activities on Christmas Day for the chance to spin the Super Wheel! You get 1 chance to win one of the following prizes:


Webkinz Rockerz Limo


Fine Chocolatier Shop


Stately Bookshelf


Royal Blue Jeweled Egg


Royal Estate Bed


Party Machine



Remember, you have to visit Webkinz World on December 25th to spin the Super Wheel. Good luck!


113 Responses to Spin the Super Wheel Christmas Day!

  1. Nova417 says:

    All of these items look so neat! :D I can’t wait to get one!

  2. princessbean2014 says:

    Awesome! Love the party machine! I will be the new Pinkie Pie!

  3. beaubo says:

    i want the limo!

  4. princejackson5 says:

    Awesome prizes! I hope I get either the royal estate bed, the bookshelf, or the chocolatier shop. :D great prizes!!!

  5. kittensrule123 says:

    CAN’T WAIT!!

  6. fluff54 says:

    I want the Fine Chocolatier Shop!!!!!! Question-does it produce chocolate?!

  7. 0a92y50 says:

    I really hope I get the fine chocolatier shop! Be a nice super wheel and land on the chocolatier shop please…(me talking to the computer screen).

  8. Keyy20 says:

    oh I really hope I get the bed it would help complete me medieval room theme

  9. winx123 says:

    Hope i win the Rockerz Limo !!!!

  10. qwedsa222 says:

    my favorite is the limo, then the chocolate shop, then the party thingy!

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