Spin the Super Wheel on January 25th

Don’t forget to login on Saturday January 25th to spin the Super Wheel! You get 1 chance to win one of the following prizes:


  • Northern Lands Statue
  • Winter Wonderland Window
  • Luxury Hot Tub
  • Queen Marie’s Periwig
  • Box of Winterfest Cookies
  • Frosty Snow Making Machine





Visit the Today’s Activities section of Webkinz World and click on the link at the top of the list to spin. Good luck!


111 Responses to Spin the Super Wheel on January 25th

  1. koolkat12345 says:

    i want that ot tub

  2. sophi400 says:

    Great prizes!! I really want 3 of them. I hope I get one of the three I want. Thanks for having this!

  3. Elizabeh says:

    Oh, definitely the snow machine!! Have wanted one for a long time, and already have everything else. Bet I get ANOTHER statue!

  4. scotlandd says:

    Why the wig? that is not super. so much for the only way you can get a potm items to adopt a potm.

  5. Cowcatcher says:

    Why are we spinning the Super Wheel on January 25th? That’s not a holiday! :D

  6. hannacupcakepup says:

    you can get the wig at the cireo shop . i want the box of cookies becuase im not deluxe and i cant buy them.

  7. itsadventuretime23 says:

    PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THE STATUE OR WIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friend princesskitty0608.-itsadventuretime23

  8. snoopy13 says:

    I would really like the window or the snow making machine. I wonder if the snowmaking machine is in the POTM loot bag

  9. webkinz1011365 says:

    Oh my gosh I really want to win the luxury hot tub!!!

  10. als123 says:

    Awesome prizes! I really want the snow making machine!

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