Spin the Super Wheel on January 25th

Don’t forget to login on Saturday January 25th to spin the Super Wheel! You get 1 chance to win one of the following prizes:


  • Northern Lands Statue
  • Winter Wonderland Window
  • Luxury Hot Tub
  • Queen Marie’s Periwig
  • Box of Winterfest Cookies
  • Frosty Snow Making Machine





Visit the Today’s Activities section of Webkinz World and click on the link at the top of the list to spin. Good luck!


111 Responses to Spin the Super Wheel on January 25th

  1. TinaKitty24 says:

    Wow that is so cool! I like the Snow making machine! O.O

  2. 1955tiny says:

    I WANT 1 THING !!! Let EVERYTHING BE TRADEABLE PLEASE !!! A friend won a Peppermint plant that does nothing but sit and cant be traded :(

  3. geogal says:

    I think they should one totally new item to the Wheel. I’ve been on Webkinz for a long time and I have already have those things.

  4. nickelgirl2013 says:

    is this for like, everyone or just for like, deluxe or members???

  5. mypmyp says:

    If I got the Snow Machine or the window I would be very happy! Great prizes, I love Winterfest!

  6. Gracie10294 says:

    yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #thanksGanz -Gracie<3

  7. gaberdoodle1234 says:

    That’s pretty cool that we could win cookies which in turn we could win sleigh.. I’ve already went thru a box of cookies and didn’t win sleigh. Plus it’s hard to get snowflakes. You have to spend forever on computer just to get one and then it’s food most of the time. Kind of bummed this year with the lack of snowflakes..

  8. Kweela says:

    I NEED THE SNOW MACHINE..but the wheels get me the least favorite prizes (kinzcash and the air hockey table)

  9. swishernygiants says:

    guys I have the snow machine! THE FIRST PERSON TO FRIEND ME AND REPLY I WILL SEND IT TO YOU FOR FREE! Im getting rid of my webkinz thats why lol. my username is jenna8028

  10. christaalohabear22 says:

    I think I am going to get the Snow Making Machine. hehehe.

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