Spring Room Design Contest


Are you ready to SHARE your spring rooms? Head over to the Share Center and post your room designs in the 2017 Spring Room Design gallery between April 16 and April 30 for a chance to win the grand prize of Spring Yard Bundle and a room design trophy!  Nine runner-ups will win a Blossoming Tree & Carriage Duo.


Grand Prize





Runner-Up Prizes





Entry is open until April 30.


It’s easy to participate! Just follow these four easy steps…



1. Design a Spring Room.


2. Take a screen shot of your room.


3. Upload the screen shot to the Spring Room Gallery on the GanzWorld Share Center any time between April 16 and April 30.


4. Cross your fingers until May 5 to see if your room is one of the winners!





You can enter as many designs as you want- the more submissions the merrier!


Contestants HAVE to upload their work to the Spring Room Gallery on the GanzWorld Share Center. Never uploaded to the ShareCenter before? Don’t worry! It’s easy. Just watch this video to see how it’s done!


View official contest rules here.

45 Responses to Spring Room Design Contest

  1. griffoned says:

    The share center never works for me. I click browse and nothing has it. I tried on a phone and a laptop.

  2. kittymade10 says:

    This is one of the contest I can do with my phone so it makes it easier than the last one. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Ganz. This is my favorite Webkinz spring thing to do.

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Are we allowed to do as many rooms as we want? Oh, and one more question, I’m Deluxe and I did KinzChat Plus before, and now it won’t work. I was guessing something happened in the Parents area, but I haven’t ever said anything bad. IDK if my parents have an account. Is the account the Ganz eStore account or whatever? I’, looking for a specific item, and I wanna be able to say it in the Trading Room. THANKS! HAPPY EASTER EVERYBUNNY! #EasterRocks

  4. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Wow! I might just have to enter this! Funny, right now I’m working on a spring room. LOL

  5. bubbashuka says:

    My designs for the egg and t-shirt design still haven’t posted. why??

  6. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Cool! Those are some pretty great prizes! I just started making a spring room today, so that works out perfectly.. as long as I remember to put it into the Share Center. =P

  7. 1Emerald1 says:

    Awesome prizes, I’ll see what I have to enter.

  8. Prettypikachu says:

    Woah! 2 designs entered so far..!

  9. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    The prizes are so good!! I’ve been working on a spring room so I hope I can finish it in time. Trading for all the items I need takes forever

  10. Michelle008 says:

    So excited! Thanks for the opportunity!

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