Start Looking for Chocolate Eggs!


From March 23rd – April 1st, celebrate spring in Webkinz World by looking for Chocolate Eggs! There are several ways to find them:


  • Get 1 Chocolate Egg daily. It will automatically be awarded to your Dock as soon as you log in

  • Look for the floating Chocolate Egg and click on it to have it added to your account (limited to 3 eggs a day, 5 for Deluxe Members)

  • Spin the Wheel of Yum at Today’s Activities for the chance to get up to 3 more Chocolate Eggs a day (web only – not available on the mobile app.)

  • Find the floating Chocolate Egg on Webkinz Newz and click on it to have it sent back to your Webkinz account (limited to 1 per day)



Every time you feed a Chocolate Egg to your pet, you will win something special. Here’s a look at this year’s prizes:



Looking for more spring prizes for your pets? Starting today (March 23rd) look for cartons of White Chocolate Eggs at the W-Shop. You can find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop. Drag a carton into your room and the eggs will be added to your Dock. Every time you feed your pet a White Chocolate Egg you’ll win one of the following prizes:



What prizes have you won so far? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…


121 Responses to Start Looking for Chocolate Eggs!

  1. dsant12 says:

    I’m enjoying collecting the prizes! Just wondering, has anyone gotten the white daffodils? I have multiples of every other prize but no white daffodils yet.

  2. beerfeet says:

    Will this be the last year we get to collect these wonderful Eggs? Do you have a way to make things float on the mobile app? We get the message to go to daily activities and collect the egg when logging into the mobile app but if you click on it the message says this is not available on the mobile app.

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      The chocolate eggs are floating on the mobile app game as did the coin boxes earlier this month. We’ve been able to get floaties on the mobile game for quite a while now – I love it – sure saves me a lot of time.

  3. Brumno says:

    I don’t see up to 3 eggs on the wheel of yum.Will that be fix. Cause I heard that on the Podkinz to

  4. dixiecup says:

    Over 91 posts and I have not seen one person announce a Grand Prize win. I, myself have not won one, either.

  5. julieperkins says:

    Oh how I wish I could find some of those easter eggs, they would so complete my easter room.

    • dixiecup says:

      You can have all of mine Julie Perkins. They aren’t as they are shown in the picture. I am Dixiecup on Webkinz World

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Hi dixiecup, you don’t like the eggs? I really do like them for my Easter egg hunt & have only found one so far. If you have any left at the end of Spring Celebration, I’d love a few. My user is emeraldlyn.

        • dixiecup says:

          I do believe I have you on one of my other accounts, 1Emerald1. Expect a couple after I’ve eaten my eggs LOL.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            I think so too dixiecup, but I’ve been foolish & not kept a list of “who’s who” for friends whose Webkinz user names are not the same as their ganzworld acct names. Oops.

      • julieperkins says:

        ty my ganz name is creide13, please friend me, is there any prizes you would like in return?

  6. hannah5banana says:

    I love the prizes this year with the exception of the eggs. I was hoping that you would just be able to rotate them and have either 1, 2, 3 or 4 not have them mixed in with flowers. You can’t see them so what’s the point of the beautiful designs on them? Can you make it so it’s just the eggs and NO flowers?

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      I agree. I really like how we can rotate the eggs for different looks, but I do wish that one of the options would be the exact picture of how they look in our docks.

      • 3mitzy says:

        Hi hannah5banana and Alhpaowlbear! If you do not like the eggs and would like to get rid of them, I would gladly take them off your hands! My Webkinz username is 3mitzy. Thanks!

        • Alphaowlbear says:

          I do like the eggs very much – they are so pretty. I’m sorry if I misled you. I love how you can turn them to get four different views. I wish, though, that one of the views was identical to the above picture. I’ll probably end up with some extras and would love to share them. We’re already friends on WW :-)

  7. dixiecup says:

    Um, it appears that Ganz’ way to fix the tiles on the Wheel of Yum is to make it so you only get ONE egg no matter which tile you land on? SMH

    • evelirabat says:

      Loue354 Thank you for warning us not to eat past year eggs ! NO PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED AT THIS TIME I get frustrated when things I buy from E store and they don’t inform me the ride or actions do not work at this time. Why advertise that it does work and sell it. I feel they should not sell the items until they fix the problems. I feel we should have been sent a letter or headlined in the news. If you had not written in all capes I would not have even noticed. Instead of admonishing you, they should responsibly up front told us that there was a glitch and they were working hard to fix itLoue354 Thank you for warning us not to eat past year eggs ! NO PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED AT THIS TIME I get frustrated when things I buy from E store and they don’t inform me the ride or actions do not work at this time. Why advertise that it does work and sell it. I feel they should not sell the items until they fix the problems. I feel we should have been sent a letter or headlined in the news. If you had not written in all capes I would not have even noticed. Instead of admonishing you, they should responsibly up front told us that there was a glitch and they were working hard to fix it

      • ShanTilley says:

        evelirabat I agree with you! I’ve purchased so many things from the Estore that do not work in Webkinz World. What a waste of money! They should not sell them until they’ve fixed the glitch that prevents them from working. Not very good on your part Ganz.

    • dixiecup says:

      I figured it out!!! Ok, so reserve you Wheel if Wow for AFTER you spin the Wheel of Yum! If you land on the Yellow or red tile, it says Two eggs, the green says three. Immediately go and spin your Wheel of Wow. Then the other eggs show up! GOT IT!!

  8. Furbabiez says:

    How sad, the eggs are not as shown. You have a purple one hidden among flowers, a single purple, a single blue and another hidden in the flowers. Not one looks like the eggs in the Dock. Please fix this. I want the eggs as shown even if I can’t have the different views.

  9. julieperkins says:

    omg I love Love all these prizes, I can’t get enough eggs dark and white choc. it doesn’t matter. lol

  10. ferretfuzzbut says:

    Hey Sally or Michael, is there any chance that the e-store will sell 2017 white choc eggs like they did with past year mystery bags recently. I LOVE the swan plushy and got one last year but mom wouldn’t let me buy more eggs to try to get more. this year I have more e-store points and had been hoping the swan would come back but it didn’t.

    • animalmomkls says:

      Oh yes, it would be awesome to be able to purchase some of the 2017 white chocolate eggs. Pretty please! Ferretfuzzbut, I was also hoping to get another chance at getting the swan plushy. So beautiful! Hopefully we will see it again.

    • dixiecup says:

      I think they are holding off selling them until the egg glitch is fixed. Right now if you feed you pet old eggs it just acts like … cheap candy. No boost in points and definitely no prize.

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