A brand-new Kinzville Tea Party starts today, and runs until midnight, Thursday, February 6 (EST), on Webkinz Classic!
During this event, click on floating Kinzville Teacups to earn Kinzville Tea Party prizes!
The number of prizes you can collect each day is based on your membership level. Here’s a look at the daily limits:
Each time you click on a teacup, you’ll be awarded a common, uncommon or rare Kinzville Tea Party prize! You can use the prizes to set up a tea party with your favorite plushies you have collected playing Webkinz Classic over the years.
Don’t own any virtual plushies? Check the Fun Stuff > Toys section of the WShop. You’ll find some available for KinzCash that you can display on the three different Kinzville Tea Party chairs you can collect during this event.
Here’s a look at each common, uncommon and rare Kinzville Tea Party prize:
The Kinzville Tea Party prizes have been designed to match the City Styling, Kids and Neo Gothic room themes. So, play every day to try and collect each set!
If you want the chance to find teacups while you are playing at the Webkinz Classic Games Arcade (desktop app), choose a game, then open and close the WShop when it starts, and you’ll start seeing them as you play!
Do you have a favorite Webkinz plushy that you have collected over the years? Let us know in the comment section below…