If your pet is looking for a Stunning Kimono to wear, we’ll show you how to make your own!
Just visit the KinzStyle Outlet to pick up and combine the following 3 clothing items using the Clothing Machine:
Now your pet is sure to look simply stunning!
Want to know about MORE Webkinz Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here!
Which recipe clothing items are YOUR favorites? Let us know in the comments below!
I love the Stunning Kimono! Thanks for the recipe!
Hi, for some reason my computer isn’t properly pulling up this page. Would you mind sharing the Kimono recipe with me? Thank you!
awesome thanks
I want a Kinzvile Olympics!
Yeah that would be so cool
That would be cool!!!!!!
Awesome, can’t wait to see more recipes revealed soon!
My favorite is the Toy Soldier Coat & Hat. Coat is – Captain Dogbeard’s Coat, Mod Jacket, Red Sneakers. The Hat is – Party Hat, Funky Plaid Hat, Dude Hat.
beerfeet~ thank you so much! I did not know these recipes and I think the toy soldier coat and hat are going to be adorable! I don’t know if you will see this comment, but I’m sending an avalanche of appreciation your way!!
Ty the outfit is so cute with black jeans and pirate boots!!!!
This looks like a Chinese Outfit. I am not a fan of it that much. My favorite recipe is the Neon Tutu. I have made that before. I like how it looks on a Pink Pony with a White Tank Top and with Opal Shoes. Thank you Ganz!
Would you share the recipe for the Neon Tutu? Thanks so much!
Neon Tutu – Pink Cowgirl Boots, Fall Floral Skirt, Thick Knit Sweater
Sure why not? You will need these items that you can get at the Kinz Style Outlet. 1. Pink Cowgirl boots. 2. Fall Floral Skirt. Thick Knit Sweater. Put them in the clothing machine and… Walah! You have made a Neon Tutu you are a total trend setter!
Just in case it wasn’t made clear by beerfeet and MyLittlePony2010EG13, you can make the Neon Tutu by combining the Pink Cowgirl Boots, Fall Floral Skirt, and Thick Knit Sweater. I love the Neon Tutu, and it’s probably my favorite Clothing Machine recipe!
I thought me and beerfeet made a pretty clear answer to MauHauna about the Neon Tutu. Oh well.
While we do of course appreciate any clues/giveaways/etc., it would be GRAND if you would please reveal a “secret” recipe THAT HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN SOLVED. Also, when will we be able to cash in our “cash” floaties, as currently they CANNOT BE SOLD back to the Wshop? The last times these floated they could in fact be sold right away, so hopefully a glitch! THANKS MUCHO!! k.
Have you dragged the boxes into the room to open them first?
Like Sally Webkinz said, you have to open the gift boxes first. Inside is a KinzCash coin that can be sold back to the WShop. Depending on whether you have a Bronze, Silver, or Gold gift box (it’ll say which one it is if you hover over it in the Dock), you will either get a 50, 100, or 250 KinzCash coin, in their respective order (I think those are the values)!
well not all know the reipe, so thanks