Super School Giveaway Starts Today!



It’s time for the Super School Giveaway! From August 15th – September 9th, log into Webkinz World daily for a free school themed prize and look for new prizes the next time you take Recess at the Kinzville Academy. Click on a button below to learn more about this event.


UPDATE: We are aware of the issue with the Playground Fence pieces not aligning properly. This will be fixed on August 31st with our next update. 






Are you looking forward to the school year? Please leave your comments below…


24 Responses to Super School Giveaway Starts Today!

  1. AnimeTails says:

    I am going to school this year. I was homeschooled the past 6years so this is exciting. I made the Cross Country team… I met a kid that is in my class! I already have made friend from the school… It starts 22nd so I am really pumped up! :D

  2. pingponglov3 says:

    This is so amazing! I can’t wait to collect all the items!

  3. meownelly06 says:

    Wow this summer went so fast to me at least! I start the 17th.. isn’t it odd that i start school on deluxe day? Hopefully my friends are in my class!!

  4. arianatootlebug17 says:

    This looks so fun!! What a great way to start the school year! (I started the 10th of August)

  5. doingmydailies says:

    Hey guys! I haven’t been on Webkinz Newz in weeks…. I guess my summer has been pretty busy. I missed all of you guys and I haven’t been up to date on anything. Luckily, the day I come back, Super School Days are starting! Looks like there’s a lot happening. I’m not ready to go back to school! :( But it won’t be so bad because Webkinz world is making it fun! :D

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Hey doingmydailies! Welcome back! I hope you had a nice summer! Aw, it’s alright… We all become busy during one point in time or another. Ah yeah, me neither… My first day was today and gosh, haha, it’ll take a while for me to get back on schedule… Considering I’ve been just doing whatever for the past few months :P Oh well… Like you said, at least Webkinz is making it fun!

  6. 50ishwebbies says:

    Thanks a ton for these generous fun school themed gifts! I just finished a new room with my favorite piece; the fencing ;) Wishing all my Newz friends a successful school year filled with the best of everything!!!

  7. megamom12 says:

    So excited for this event! My school is finally going to get a proper school yard!

  8. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Cool! I really like all of the prizes. It’ll be fun collecting them all. =]

  9. FennecFox says:

    Alrighty, this looks quite fun!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Sweet! I can’t wait to collect these prizes! And heheh…. Well…. I’m not exactly excited for the school year… (Which starts today for me) I wish I could have at least another week or two off… But oh well, not much you can do about that..

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Yeah. =/ That stinks you have to start already.. I don’t start until the 30th.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      You start school REALLY early TaffyKitty12! Does that mean that you finish earlier in the spring? We start right after Labor Day, and finish mid-June. Our district built brand new schools so we don’t even have our room assignments or supply lists yet! Good luck to you today! Try to look for the fun!

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Heheh, yeah… It is kinda early… Although, I did get off super early this year (I think it was around.. The beginning of May, maybe?) I’m homeschooled so my schedule is set up by my mom… And because it’s a little more flexible than a regular school and I can work at my own pace, if I put in more work, I can get done earlier on in the year. I kinda wish my mom would let me have one more week, but hey, maybe I’ll get done even earlier this year? It would be so awesome if I got done in April, but heheh…. I think I might have to push it quite a bit to get done that early. Anywho, thanks, Beckinz8! And really? Well, at least you’ll have some more time off, right? ;)

        • ilovemoonie says:

          Aw, I’m sorry you have to start school so early, TaffyKitty. :/ I do school all summer, but now that I think about it, that’s probably easier to do than to take the summer off and than start again…You know, because you get so used to it. When I take my break from early December to mid January, and then I start up again, I do NOT want to. :I So I can imagine what it’d be like to take the whole summer off…even though that what most people do…Anyway, sorry for talking so much, I wish you the best of luck starting school up again!

        • elsafan13 says:

          YAY for homeschool! thats awesome you get done early, my dad just adds more lessons till may comes lol

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