Tell SantaKinz What You Want For Christmas!


SantaKinz is back! Visit him in the SantaKinz Clubhouse room until December 24, and tell him what you’d like for Christmas! There are 3 gifts to choose from: A Zany Gingerbread Sweater, Lazy Zum Plushy and a Snowy Retriever Puppy Music Box!



Visit the SantaKinz Clubhouse room and click on SantaKinz to sit on his lap and tell him what you’d like for Christmas. If there are several pets in the room, you may have to wait in line before meeting him.



You must log in to Webkinz Classic on December 25, to get your gift. It will be inside your 2021 Christmas Gift Box along with 25 Snowy Retriever Puppy Pet Medallions and a few other treats. Your gift box will be automatically added to your Dock when you log in on Christmas Day.



If you can’t wait until Christmas, you can buy this year’s gifts directly from SantaKinz with eStore points. If you buy a gift from SantaKinz, it will be instantly added to your Dock, but you must pick a free gift before you can purchase one.


Which gift did you pick? Let us know in the comment section below…


33 Responses to Tell SantaKinz What You Want For Christmas!

  1. catloverdoglover says:

    I’ll be getting the Snowy Retriver Box because I have the Snowy Retriver Puppy so it’ll be perfect for her!

  2. ojibwa says:

    I picked the sweater, but it was hard to choose it over the music box!

  3. hiphophipposrule2007 says:

    I don’t remember having a clothing option in the past but I could be wrong! I love the sweater and the music box so going to be a tough choice!

  4. Flyerdream says:

    Hooray for Christmas, I Love all the choices and the new stuff. Thank you! Hey, does anyone have extra dr quack tonic they could send me? ~Saverywood

  5. KSC says:

    I love this year’s prizes! It’s going to be tough to choose.

  6. ultrasonic3 says:

    Thank you for the amazing prizes to choose from! I wish we could have them all. I’m having a hard time deciding so it’s a good thing there’s time before I have to make my decision. Have a great day everyone!

  7. _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

    Hello, Fluffington, I would absolutely love the Snowy Retriever Music Box & a decorative version of the Christmas box (I still have mine from past years). Thank you so much, dear Fluffington Santakinz! ^-^

  8. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I LOVE the sweater. Pittiesrule

  9. karolina07 says:

    I chose the snowy retriever music box, whit the hope play music :)

  10. Grandma52 says:

    I love the sweater!

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