The Voting Results Are In!


Michael Webkinz here with the official voting results… The Webkinz Newz community has chosen the Painted Glass room theme as the next theme they’d like to be released in the W-Shop. I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to vote. It wasn’t an easy choice this time around!



The painted Glass room theme will be released in the W-Shop on May 8th, but we will be posting special updates on Webkinz Newz as this theme is being created, allowing you to leave feedback and let us know what you like (or don’t like) about each item. I plan on showing the first set of concepts on March 23rd… stay tuned!


In the meantime, please let us know what type of items you’d like to see included in this theme by leaving a comment below…


120 Responses to The Voting Results Are In!

  1. pinkJess says:

    Wowzers :)

  2. L1ndstead says:

    Bed and Windows!!

  3. GoGanz24 says:

    I guess this theme should be made up entirely of windows. There’s no way my Webkinz would be allowed anywhere near a room full of glass furniture. The furniture could shatter, break, and cut them if they tried using it. Plus, glass is cold and hard, it wouldn’t make for comfortable furniture anyway.

    • megamom12 says:

      It would be tempered and reinforced glass so our pet would be perfectly safe. I’m very glad that you did consider that point though.

    • Powerann says:

      Hi GoGanz24 – Our pets can safely use fireplaces made of ice and have Growing Garden plants that flourish and thrive through the dead of winter. I’m positive Ganz will find a way to make this furniture so that it’s completely safe for our pets. After all, this is what the magic of Webkinz World is about!

  4. xxmgn says:

    Ooh very excited to see what this will look like in Webkinz World

  5. beerfeet says:

    I like this one. Glad it won

  6. haveywavey0512 says:

    I was really hoping for the Pony theme. oh well

  7. jammershark says:

    I’d like a painted glass bed, table, couch, TV (that would be cool!). But, however it turns out it will be amazing!!!!!! Just a question, will this theme be worth KinzCash or eStore Points? I am so excited!

  8. freiler10 says:

    Very excited!! :)

  9. EmeraldCity says:

    YAY! Sooo looking forward to this theme!!!

    • EmeraldCity says:

      Items like Glass divider walls and Wall Art and perhaps Chihuly inspired lamps, sconces, vases? That’d be cool! The Chihuly glass exhibits are stunning…an absolute must see if you have the opportunity to see an exhibit.

  10. moonkey1115 says:

    SO EXCITED. I think it would be nice to have some different colored glass counter tops, like just the cube shape counters in shiny glass. That would be a lot of fun to play around with. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

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