The Wacky Weekend Has Arrived!


Batter up! Starting today, players who manage to hit Wacky 600 feet or farther playing Wacky Zingoz in the Arcade, will win a Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy! This three day event ends midnight, Sunday, July 12.



You can play Wacky Zingoz at the Webkinz Arcade (web only). Each game, you’ll have 5 chances to hit Wacky as far as you can. To hit, click your mouse to make Wacky jump from the tree then, click the mouse again to swing.



There’s no limit to the number of trophies you can win during this event, but it’s the last time the Wacky Zingoz 600 will be available, so try to win as many as you can!



Did you manage to win the trophy? Let us know in the comment section below…


59 Responses to The Wacky Weekend Has Arrived!

  1. tttvvv says:

    anyone know what the difference between the 2 wacky zingoz badges for hitting past 600 3 times is?? I was awarded one of them and not the other and thought it was interesting

    • chirtygirl74 says:

      I did not get mine for the 3 and am curious why myself. The other badge said it was a pinata hit? I spent the whole time getting those 3…and I really want that badge:)

  2. ImaPepper says:

    I finally got one–I think this game is more luck than skill, so you just have to keep trying. Don’t try to hit Wacky too quickly or he’ll go too high and short of distance. Wait too long and he’ll just go a few feet. When you can hit Wacky and he says, “Zingoz Man,” you’re in the right neighborhood. But Wacky could still land anywhere between 500 and 600 feet….the luck part. Unless I’m missing something. I’ve hit 599 several times, but 601 just once.

  3. Bartcarr says:

    Over the years, I’ve won several trophies through the Celebration events, but for some reason I was never awarded the badge. It’s a little bit sad to see the trophy will be retired after this event.

  4. hairbear1627 says:

    I just got mine! Yay!

  5. Suzanneaf says:

    I literally got 599.4. I am so upset :(

  6. frozenanna2 says:

    Can you get the trophy twice?

  7. habc6 says:

    Yay! I finally got the trophy! I am so excited!!

  8. frozenelsa5 says:

    i got the trophy! i’m so happy that i got the trophy!

  9. mamasbaby07 says:

    Whoo Hoo got my trophy… I am so lousy at this game poor whacky I really wallop him I am thrilled Love this trophy Thank you Ganz

  10. Tommythepanda says:

    For those of you having trouble figuring out how to get Wacky to go the full 600, it is quite challenging, but it is possible. Here are some tips: First, the very precise point where a “600″ happens is somewhere near when Wacky’s legs are in front the top of Zangoz’s head. This will make Wacky’s flight crest “precisely” at the top of the clouds. You know you’re getting close when Wacky doesn’t hit the ground the first time until after 400. Hope this helps.

    • kinzklipfan says:

      I agree with your tips! I’ve found that I can tell when I hit it the ballpark range of how far it’s going to go. If you click too soon, Wacky will go to between 500 and about 575. Clicking slightly (and I mean SLIGHTLY. everything moves so quickly in this game) after that will yield a hit greater than 575 and a chance at 600. Definitely agree that you know a hit is good if the first bounce is after 400. Just got my first trophy today! I’d gotten past 600 just a couple of days before, but it was never when the trophy was offered.

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