Originally, the KinzStyle Shop could only be accessed by entering a Feature Code that came with a piece of clothing for a plush Webkinz Pet. More recently, we have added the ability for Deluxe Members to have access to the shop anytime.
However, when we did this, we also updated some of the inventory, removing the Feature Code outfits from the Deluxe version of the Shop. If you happen to find a Feature Code for Webkinz plush clothing, you will still be awarded the virtual version as well. But we have also added these items to the Deluxe Prize Pool, which means that Deluxe Members may find them in the gift they receive each month. These clothing items are all also tradeable, so you can try to find them from someone in the Trading Rooms.
Here’s a look at some of the sports outfits that can be found in the Deluxe Prize Pool! Do you remember which ones were also made into clothing for your plush Webkinz Pet? What clothing item do you most want for your pets? Let us know in the comments below!
Not a Deluxe Member yet? Learn more at the Ganz eStore here.
I love webkinz clothes! I have a santa outfit, a halloween costume and a tank top that says candy for my webkinz toys in real life :D
I definitely would not want any of these sports clothes to be in my monthly deluxe gift box. I’m not into sports and would be very disappointed to open a monthly gift box only to find one of these clothing pieces in it. I might even consider not renewing my Deluxe membership if this is the type of clothing we received, especially since I already got the cheerleading outfit from some event or challenge that was going on. Also, the golf shoes were already a deluxe monthly gift. I hope you don’t duplicate clothing items that we already got in our Deluxe monthly boxes. Thanks!
@Shan Tilley Totally agree with you…no one wants any of these items! And yes I would consider not renewing my Deluxe membership also if they ended up in monthly gist box. Most items lately have been very lame…no one wants to trade for them!
tutela60, thanks for your support! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who feels this way. And I must also agree with you that the items in the deluxe monthly gift boxes have been rather lame lately. They used to be so awesome!
FYI, none of these have ever been in the monthly Deluxe gift boxes. The Cheerleader and Golf outfit you can win doing challenges. Not to mention if you buy the actual clothes, they come with a code to get the virtual outfit as well.
i have the cheerleader skirt and tanktop
I would like the baseball and the cheerleader uniform. The basketball uniform would be great too.
I never even saw the basketball one. But I know someone who has the baseball outfit. Thanks for the Sports Clothes list Ganz!
i have the cheerleader and golf items and they look great! i’d love to have the other items, but i’m not deluxe – too poor. sigh. if anybody wants to send me their extras, i’ll be your bestest bff ever forever! :D :G
I want the basketball outfit!!!!!!
I have the cheerleading skirt.But I want the tom.And pom pom kitty dress
how did you get the skirt
I have two complete outfits. I’m willing to trade. My username is huskypetstop.
Okay. What would you like?
Oh,and I got the skirt from trading. FOR MACORONI AND CHEESE
I feel oddly drawn in by the Baseball Uniform outfit. I really want it * – *. I think that it’d be cool to own any of these though.
I have the cheerleader and the holnwon clothes, but I don’t have the baseball and basketball ones.
I own a pair of baseball clothes and another sports outfit, I found them in a Tuesday Morning Store, They look great on my Webkinz (virtual & real life).
The Tuesday Morning near me only carries basic Webkinz and no Webkinz clothing :L.
I Got the baseball uniform pants in the deluxe prize pool, but I really want the helmet .
Actually, for my pets, I’d like to get clothes on the plushes. Some of it I’d probably buy, like the pink knit capelet or the red dotty party dress, but I really want to learn how to sew and be able to make clothes for my webkinz.
Take a sock and cut the toe part off. Then with the rest, try it on your webkinz. Cut four holes in the bottom for the leg holes. Then if you want, you can cut a hole for it’s tail. Use the toe parrt of the sock that you cut off for a hat. This makes an outfit!
Good idea Leatham!
I already know that because i found it out on youtube.i made tons of cloths for my webkinz already. it makes my webkinz look so stylish!
good idea leatham but how do i get the cheer leader outfit please reply!
The cheerleader outfit is from the Kinzstyle not the outlet one deluxe members can buy from the map.
Except I haven’t seen the Cheerleader Outfit so I don’t think it’s available to us .
The Cheerleader Outfit is not available in the KinzStyle Shop for Deluxe. These clothing items are either in the prize pool, to be won in a challenge, or bought from a Kinzstyle Shopping Bag. I believe.
hey that’s exactly what I do ;) :) ;) ;)
use a clean sock! XD
i want a how to train your dragon 2 storm cutter pet or outfit. . . . .I am just saying something nice. . . :P
Well if you learn how to knit then you can find a similar colour wool and knit one up.