Tigerlily Pup Design Sneak Peek!

Here’s an update on the winning design from the Design-a-Dog Contest!


The Tigerlily Pup and its items are currently being designed by our artists. We were so excited that we couldn’t wait to share them with you!


First, check out the adorable finalĀ  design for the pup below! Our artist stayed very close to to the original:

And, after reading everyone’s suggestions for its PSI, we decided on a Wildflower Pond! Check out the gorgeous concept art below. We’ll reveal the finished item soon!




Aren’t they beautiful? Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the reveal of the Tigerlily Pup’s PSF and more info about the pet!


158 Responses to Tigerlily Pup Design Sneak Peek!

  1. itsadventuretime23 says:

    LOVE IT! I wish I had entered mine. I forgot. :( I made a Skelepup, Starry Night Puppy, and a Rainbow Power Pup. I don’t know if I did anymore. :P But congrats! I love it’s PSI! I’d name mine Tiger Lily. Maybe if I ever add Estore Points I’ll get her. :)

  2. CrazyCooterCantCatchCats says:

    Tottaly Tubular to the max lol :lol:

  3. MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

    I think snowball31802 did an amazing job creating this pet and the PSI is amazing!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  4. acoolaunt says:

    Awesome design snowball31802!!! I can’t wait to get this pup. And that psi… WoW! Amazing job artists!!

    • joker4 says:

      I agree, the dog was one of my top 3 votes and the pond PSI is what I was hoping for. Thanks Ganz, I will be getting this puppy for sure. I love the fireflies around the pond.

  5. TaffyKitty12 says:

    It is a cute puppy. ;)

  6. KittensMittens says:

    This is TOTALLY Beautiful!!! It is a “must-have” with my webkinz family! And the pond is absolutely gorgeous~ wow!!! It just keeps getting better and better! Thank you SO MUCH Ganz, 4 so much fun!!!!!!

  7. davidm5 says:

    A very good pet. I wonder why they (the winner) haven’t commented that their creation won?

  8. Mike Webkinz says:

    I can’t wait to adopt this pet, it looks so good!

  9. pmhk says:

    SO PRETTY! I love it. And yay first to leave a reply!!!!!!!!!!

  10. pingpongkitties says:

    Oh wow – these are fantastic!!! So beautiful! Kudos to the artists and the winner of the contest! They must be so excited to see their creation come to fruition in Webkinz World. Awesome job!

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